Morvellan, Dalek civil & Time Wars
This is going to be a background rather than a campaign. I have plans, I just need the money to buy the toys!
I have to thank Dennis Smith of for his enthusiastic support.
We are fellow travelers on parallel roads.
Needless to say I’ll be using Rogue stars for the small stuff and my Flying Lead Light at first. Come the glorious Harder Than Steel------------------------------------------------------------------.
Most accounts agree that the Movellans* and the Daleks encountered each other while both sides were expanding their interstellar empires and immediately engaged in a war which lasted for centuries.
This war was contemporary with the Time War. In a linear sense, it lasted for at least 400 years. Fought throughout countless time periods, however, it more accurately lasted an eternity.
the empires' respective warfleets were evenly matched, neither side's
purely logical battle computers could find a successful strategy for
an attack against the other and so the two fleets remained locked in
a stalemate, constantly manoeuvring and probing for weakness but
never actually firing a single shot.
war continued with the Movellans developing a virus that attacked and
destroyed the insulation used by the Daleks. This virus effected a
turning point in the war, reducing the once-great Dalek empire to a
few scattered colonies. Once more, they sought out Davros for
assistance. It is unknown how the war ended but it eventually lead to
a civil war between the Davros and Imperial factions.
strength came from their organisation structure. Without a
militaristic background they were quickly able to adapt their bodies
and society to a total war footing. These androids were
well-programmed and, like the Daleks, had a hierarchical system.
They were exterminated during the war.
device. This machine could alter the molecular structure of the
atmosphere, making the atoms flammable.
Late war model Morvellans
At the beginning of the war original civilian model Morvellans developed the Time Warp.
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