Saturday 1 June 2019

FL Flying Lead Light Draft 1 - adaption for SF big actions.

I've a lot of SF vehicles- but not the rules!  I've tried several, no thanks.  Flying Lead is the best, but it's designed for modern, not SF.  But, if you want a few vehicles and involved infantry action, it's still your best bet.

So, here goes!  This is a rough draft but I know it needs playtesting.
First problem - vehicle crew.  Each vehicle has a limited crew capacity, so not every system is going to be manned 100% of the time.  I'm happy with one (set) Q roll per vehicle, giving up to 3 actions.  There's a driver and a gunner (usually!) So I'm happy with an action being move & shoot, or move & shoot when best shot (see below).

Lets look at an MBT I'm using tomorrow:
MBT Total 136
Base 19 Q4 C2 30. Defence 4 @20 = 69
Gun 6 @20, Long 7 =27
Missile pod 5 @ 15, Long 7 =22 (+ free 1st Long)
Electronic Warfare System 4 @12 Max 2 medium -2 =10 (attacks Q+1/2 D)

AA SW 2 @10 (engages 4) Max 2 medium -2 = 8
AA will be operated by the commander.
EWS and missiles by a tech.
Gunner for the main gun.
So that's a crew of 4, should be costed in at 15, so another 60.  This allows the vehicle to do up to 4 things at once. 

Now: Cobra Armoured Car Total 125
Base 19, Q4 C2, 30. Defence 3 =15 , Long move =10
Anti Inf Gatling 4,(engage 6) =20 , Medium 4
Light Missile 6 , 20 Long 7.  
Commander probably doubles as gunner.  Driver, um, drives.  So the vehicle can do 2 things per activation.  2 crew @ 15 = 30 more points.

Artillery/ortillery is another bugbear.  most will be smart, more like a cheap missile than a dumb shell.  area effect or multiple targeting over a specific area?  Then there's direct area effect such as SLAM's.  I'm thinking that a reaction by the target could allow degradation by onboard systems.  I need to think/playtest this.  I want it good, but not "clunky".

I'm going to do something different.  I'll amend this post as I improve it.  Look for the amendment number above.

Please, this is by it's nature rather a short-hand work.  I'm presuming that you are used to Ganesha Games MO and got a copy of Flying Lead.

The costs are from the online calculator:

Base cost 19 Stabilised gun off road. Quality Q4 C2, 30. Q3 C2, 40. Q5 C1, 15.

Defence – armour
1 5
2 10
(above softskins or power armoured infantry)
3 15 (light vehicles, light walker, APC)
4 20
5 25
6 30

Move long move 10

APC capacity:
3 1
6 2
9 3
12 4

Shooting against other vehicles:
1 3
2 6
3 9
4 12
5 15
6 20
7 25
8 30

Anti-infantry support weapon Combat + = targets engaged.
1 5 (AA strips)
2 10
3 15
4 20

Indirect anti-infantry weapon grenade thrower/mortar. Combat + = targets engaged.
3 6
4 9
5 13

Electronic, Psi or similar cost the same, but attack the Q score, plus half Defence rounded down.

Maximum 2 medium -2
Maximum 3 mediun -1
long 7
Medium 4
Short 3
Set up 3 actions -1
Set up 4 actions -2

Power armoured infantry are vehicles equipped with light vehicle weapons and/or standard infantry weapons.

Light power armour, Fast or no armour 1st long rest Medium, all Reactions medium.
Standard power armour, normal armour. All medium.
Heavy armour or crew carrying size 3 SW or above: Ist Medium rest short. All Reaction short.

Quality4, Combat2, 15.
Quality3, Combat2, 20.
Quality5, Combat1, 5
As shooting is the main combat action Shooting = Combat.

-1 no protection
0 Helmet, flak jacket
1 unpowered armour or light sealed power armour
2 heavy unpowered armour or standard power armour

Assault rifle +2 @ 15.

Sniper. Ignores range. If No.2, can use their Actions. Shoot on actions only, no.2 can use normal weapon in reaction.

Support Weapons (Ranges and set-up as above) Crew served give Armour 1 to crew.
All work on shooting of operator +
+ Cost
1 5
2 10
3 15
4 20

Machine Gun (and/or)
Grenade launchers can shoot indirect, ignoring 1 infantry armour and cover.
Crew fed engage C+crew members targets.
(A3 man C2+2 crew gun will engage 5 targets at +2. If same carried by power armour, as a heavy gun or Y rack, would engage 3)

Flame thrower
Against infantry and up to armour 2 vehicles/ Power Armour ignore cover and 1 armour.
(size 1 is a 1 handed built into power armour, size 4 is a small plasma weapon)

Light Missile (also vehicle mounted) Teams or launchers presumed to have sufficient reloads.
4 10
5 15
6 20
7 25
8 30
Range & set-up as above. ALL missiles get a “free” Long 1st move.

Japanese magazine fed light missile launcher. 5 @15,
Independent team No.1. Q3 C2, @ 40. Size 5 5 @15, Maximum 3 medium-1. Assault rifle 15. 69
No.2 Q3 C2, @ 40. Assault rifle 15. 55. Total for team 124.

As squad SW: Quality4, Combat2, 30. Size 5 5 @15, Maximum 3 medium-1. Assault rifle, 15. 59

RPG/buzz bombs. Single shot, but spare(s) requiring 1 (-2)or 2 (-3) action reloads.
4 10
5 15
6 20
Maximum 2 medium -2
Short 3

Power armour shoulder mounted launchers. Buzz bomb 4 at max 2 medium range, 1 reload.
Base 10, -2 for range, -2 for reload = 6. Support weapon adds +1 to armour.
This is a light anti vehicle weapon, if you want anti infantry you need a Y rack grenade launcher.

Range Effect
Close – 1 measure, rolls 2 dice per Combat stat
Medium 1-2 measure, roll 1 dice per Combat stat
Long 2+ measure half Combat stat.

2 Actions/ Reactions roll 2 dice (each) , take best. 3 Actions/ Reactions roll 3 dice (each) , take best.

Method Dice + Shooting vs Dice + Defense.

Triple Defense = Killed.
Double Defense OOA needing medical attention and/or removal to rear. -1 unit Q test while with unit.

Beaten Even retires 1 move, out of unit integrity.

Beaten Odd Suppressed. -1 next group Q roll.

After shooting defender takes Q test on 1 D6.
Effective members left + D6 + Q. - Ineffective, OOA, out of unit integrity.

Unit will retire 1 Short per number under Q, picking up stragglers & carrying wounded.

Result on or above Q will carry on.

Result double Q can have free shoot OR close assault.

Close assault. As shooting above. Attacker and defender Q test 1D6 per move distance.
+ 1 every extra soldier, ignore if against better armour.
-1 every extra enemy, ignore if attacker has better armour.

3 Q3 power armour want to attack 8 non armoured rebels across 2 movement. They need 3 actions and must roll 2 successes on 2D6. Announce and carry out, even if they don’t get there.
Defenders retire 1 move per fail.

If the power armour gets short, they are in 1 Move of the defenders. They try the reaction and can shoot if they get it, or attempt to countercharge- The leader wants to countercharge, announces and rolls – as they are up against better armour, they need a straight Q on 1D6.

If they meet, each power armour, presuming a heavy gun, each rolls 3D6 =9, Shoot 2 +2 for the weapon+4 against an armour of -1.

The rebels roll 2 each, 16D6, 2 for weapon and 2 for shooting =4. Against an armour of 2 +1 (for SW) Fair to say that 9 of the 8 rebels will die or be OOA. But the rebels might get lucky- they only need a 6 to double, and a 5 will suppress.

Vehicle v Vehicle combat
Close – 1 measure, rolls 2 dice per Combat stat
Medium 1-2 measure, roll 1 dice per Combat stat
Long 2+ measure half Combat stat.

2 Actions/ Reactions roll 2 dice (each) , take best. 3 Actions/ Reactions roll 3 dice (each) , take best.

Method Dice + Shooting vs Defense.


Target Defense is Tripled. Brew up.
Doubled. Out of Action, crashes one move length in direction of travel

Beaten by Even number Q test 1D, fail= withdrawl 1 move and Q test to advance.

Beaten by Odd number, Crew stunned until spend 1 action (no reactions) to recover.

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