Saturday 28 September 2019

RS Timewars Imperial Daleks vs Dominar Rigel

Daleks and Dominars, oh my!

All right, I admit it - I'm being lazy.

AND I wanted to get some of my just-done scenery out there.

And yes, the paint and glue on this lot's still wet.

My ever-present and oh so observant ones will note that I'd dispensed with the transmat entry and this is a good old "Meet & Greet.

Dominar Rigel’s party. Merchants 203

Dominar Rigel Civilian, Difficult target, Fast, Free disengage, Leader. Total 7 = 21
Flight Pack 8
Zap pistol 3 Built in, Electrical, Energy, short range 6

Bow bodyguard marksman 2, Martial arts 2, Reactive Total 21 = 23
Bow, (3) Reload, 2 hand. 2

Bodyguard Weaponmaster 3, Martial arts 2, Reactive Total 19 = 21
Vibrospear (3) Long 3

Worms Big, Extra legs 3, Fast, Insectoid, Tough, Weaponmaster3 Total 38= 46 x3= 138
Mouth as monowire scythe (3) Armour piercing, Heavy, Cleave 8

Imperial Daleks. Cyborgs. Black top sub commander, 4 drones, 2 experienced, 2 green. 200

Tactical discipline Cool under fire 00000000 -1pin. Armour3 Crawl 1” Walk 2” Run 4” Sprint 6”
+1 spotting. Halve distance if aimed shot.

Blacktop sub-commander Leadership1 Marksman1
Light Power Armour Legs/arms 3 Body/head 5
Bionic eyes
Laser pistol (4) mounted variable, 7

Drone C D Marksman1
Light Power Armour Legs/arms 3 Body/head 5
Bionic eyes
Laser pistol (4) mounted variable,

Drone E F Marksman1 Green Activate 10 React 12
Light Power Armour Legs/arms 3 Body/head 5
Bionic eyes
Laser pistol (4) mounted variable,

The Game.  Tony took the Dominar (now, there's a surprise, wot!)  The worms scuttle on all sharpish, whilst the Dominar starts to invest the gun platform objective.

All this gives my a paucity of reactions.

Now it begins - Tony gives up the initiative and I pour the Daleks on in an invincible stream!

The archer gets badly hit.

A worm turns, charging a Dalek -

Daleks advance and destroy!

The beast and the Dalek dance around each other.  Remember "device not found" and you would yell "look it's there, your plugged in!"  T'was like that with the missing and dodging.

Staff girl charges a Dalek.  Vicious that, yer pointy stick.  But this shows the superiority of a laser pistol in unarmed combat.

At last the worm has burned.

You cannot see him, but the Dominar is under the structure.

Big worm vs Green Dalek.

Just as I think I'm doing rather well, the sneaky archer gets up, shoots my poor Dalek!  It goes down with an arrow in its eye! 

It gets up and the Black Top shoots the archer.

One flank did well, so now the other-.


Erk!  There's this head being crunched noise-.

The other green sped to the rescue!

But it's too fast and its ichor is up - It bounds up the ramp and smashes into another!

Then it leaps down the stairs onto a third!

It has a quick chomp - then!  Then, the Black top is advancing with an air of authoritay-- and my Black top is down badly wounded! Reboot!

But the last victim has recovered, rebooted and resolved!  It drills through the brutes brain from behind.

Now the hunt is on for the Dominar!  Every time I get a lock (spot) he gets a reaction and scoots!

The most damaged-but-mobile (remember he had his eye shot out) goes to effect repairs on the Black top.  Careful where you insert that lead!

The chase hottens up! The Dominar gets "sitting target" so has to move-.

Amazingly he out-draws the Dalek who is gone!

Now it's the turn of the first worm, who manages to recover.  It's a race betwix fanged horror and technological killer.

And it's the horror who wins, taking down the last 2 Daleks!  The Dominar gains the weapon and begins to insert the Illudium Q36 Space modulator!

That was a cracking game!  Both in suspenders to the end!  


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