Friday 27 September 2019

RS Pirates & Daleks celebrate Talk Like A Pirate Day.

Upon sacred Talk Like A Pirate Day 

We travail to the quarries of the Isle of Purbeck, where so much Dr Who was filmed

This is not really a Timewars game but more of "in a spirit of".

I mentioned last time that I'd got "stuff".  Not only are these 3 Blotz bits unpainted, the glue is still wet.

Skaro Daleks. Blacktop, 2 Drones, Ogron leader & 2 troopers 198

Tactical discipline Cool under fire 8 -1pin. Armour3 Crawl 1” Walk 2” Run 4” Sprint 6”
Daleks not affected by bolster, encourage, guidance, mindbolt, mindscream, nightmares, mind control.
+1 spotting. Halve distance if aimed shot. Nonreactive -2 all reaction rolls.

Blacktop sub-commander Artificial, Nonreactive, Leadership1 Marksman1 Tough1 24 Total 33
Bionic eyes 4
Laser pistol (4) mounted variable, 9

Drone Artificial, Marksman1 Nonreactive, Tough1 18 Total 27
Bionic eyes 4
Laser pistol (4) mounted variable, 9

Ogron Militia
Officer Leader 2, Marksman, Reactive, Veteran Tough, 36 Total 47
Kevlar2, 6 Zap pistol (3) Electrical, Short range, Energy, 5 11

Trooper Marksman, Reactive, Tough, 19 Total 32
Kevlar2, 6 Zap rifle (4) Electrical, 2 handed, Energy, 7 13

Pirate Crew, um, Pirates.
Longjohn, Bilge, 3 crew. Opportunity fire +1 shooting on reaction.

Long John Silvaaar.
Fire into Melee, Leader2, Marksman2 Stealth2 Tough, Veteran. 49 Total 53
Flintlock. (4) Reload. Short range. 4

Crew Ruff, Aaarse, Puckle
Fast, Marksman2, Stealth2 Tough, 30 Total 34
Musket (4) Reload 4

Bilge. Ambidextrous Fast, Marksman2, Stealth2 Tough, 44 Total 52
2x Flintlock. (4) Reload. Short range. (8)

Bosun Yaaar. Ambidextrous Fast, Weaponmaster2, Stealth2 Tough, 34 Total 38
2 Swords (2) Primitive (4)

The game.  as is our wont, the pirate crew are placed randomly.  I took the locals and Tony the cruel invaders.

Here, all is peaceful, the locals go about their everyday business little suspecting the horrors to come!

The transmat glows, an ethereal, inhuman figure materialises.

Sensing danger close, the horror advances and exterminates!


"Wot do us do captain!"

Sneak up for a shot-

Exterminate!  So Long John does, taking careful aim-.  Armour is made for specific threats.  Hit it with something different-.  You should see kevlar get hit by an arrow-.

But here comes another-.

Hide, seek and destroy!

That's not supposed to happen-.

Now an Ogron.

Break left - wait, what's that?

Captains second kill.  Aaaarse!

Penny shows he's unloaded.

The next Ogron charges him as he calmly reloads - fires.  No.3.

Do you think he's drawing attention to his location?

Here comes the Big Boss.

Aaarse tries a shot from cover, but only causes a pin.

He suffers the consequences.

Now it's Puckle's turn.  Same result.  Here he comes!  Puckle gets shot, wounded and thrown into the corner.

He lets loose in desperation from the ground!  The heavy slug tears through, causing catastrophic damage.  The leader is gone!

That was vicious.  Surprisingly balanced game.  It also lasted about 90 Rels.

Game 2  This one proves that placement is everything.  Again the starting positions were diced for.

I have a quandary with bases for pirates.  The yellow-sand one is my original.  The burnt ocher one is a "basic". and the Tea leaf scrub is my latest. 

Problem is, there's always ground cover where they look off.

Cracking on - Daleks pour through the transmat.

Exterminate!  This time the Captain goes down.

Don't stand on top of a hill - when you get shot you suffer another pin rolling down it.

Sneak, weapon leveled-.

Dalek down, takes serious damage.

Black Top comes through, goes to repair damaged drone.

What?  Oh shit - heads for cover, dodging ray blasts.

Drone repaired, Black top performs outflanking manoever.

Puckle gets crafty!  He runs behind his first foe and blasts it from point blank.  This was a most entertaining fight!

The Black Top goes down to a long shot from Aarse in the ruins.

Now the Ogrons turn up.

Puckle makes a break.

Aaarse shoots & moves.

Ogron checks on the Black Top. He;s probably got the remote.

He's close, real close.  Puckle puckers down.

The Ogron goes hunting the shooter, but gets the worst of it.

Another Ogron, Puckle bides his time.

The damaged Dalek finally gets rid of enough pins to move.

Aarse shoots the poor Dalek from behind.  Have they no shame, these pirates!

Now it's an Ogron vs Pirate game.  Two hunt towards the last shot and their fallen comrade.

A fusilade of shots!  The pirates bang away!  Pennies show unloaded.

First Aarse gets it.

"I'm staying put!"

Puckle goes down!

The last one is winkled out.

But what's this? The Bilge that got shot n tumbled has managed to get up.  He lays it on an unsuspecting Ogron!

That leaves 2 opponents in cover on opposite sides of the table.  Impasse and fin. What a different game!

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