Our small group at Entoyment has been getting into Lion Rampant (as you've seen) and Xenos Rampant. We're still learning the rules, but getting there slowly.
I'm in the process of moving, so all I can provide is the stuff outside my normal storage, mon Capitain.
First up we have the Ixx, still in the same toolbox used to transport them to the basement of our shop. Go, go back even unto the mists of time to the very start of this blog and there you shall find them. Bought in the days when an order to the US (including postage) under $25 didn't attract customs charges. I did an order a month, slowly gathering my forces! Painted in hobby paints, sand & pva base. Need TLC and I've got more in the January sale!
The Ixx themselves are good old home grown GZG. With only 2 codes, Jon's most under represented alien. Given their Babylon 5 pedigree I see them as a very old race that doesn't make war. They do hunt though, as a management exercise and a corporate tool.
Above we have Ixx on bugs. I always saw them as tunnellers, or at least able to dig in as an ambush predator.
I also have these, as used in my original game. I saw them as am IFV, carrying infantry on their backs and legs. Unfortunately buried!
If you want to add more bugs - Pendraken's offer these. Check out their new fantasy as well. The worms are excellent. So 28mm from 1 company, 15mm from another and 10mm from a third. https://www.pendraken.co.uk/bugs-800-c.asp
I also recommend: https://thesceneuk.com/product-category/15mm-figures/alien-beasts/
I got told about my costings. Plus I like this format but others don't.
When the Vespids (Khurasan again) came out I put them on me wish list. Come lockdown - stuff from the US took months, BUT was coming without customs charges. As with a lot of my purchases, I based and undercoated then put away.
One of the first films I saw in the cinema. One of 4 up to getting married at 21 when we were able to walk to one--. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-BI7AecOOw
Then, in the before time, Critical Mass brought out these - then went tits up. But now they're back. I'm glad I used a sail - bloody expensive for such a small model. I thought they'd be bigger and resin - never mind.
Perfect gun sleds! Vespids riding, holding on/recharging.
So now the match is complete.
These took a week to arrive after posting, so I was only able to assemble.
I've used the the Khurasan bumpth. A highly aggressive hive species given to taking and controlling rather than trading and negotiating.
I made these tears ago. The then 99p shop had these as Halloween sweet containers. Came in 3 parts, so I was able to make a fair number of scenics. I did get moaned at because the figures could not access.
We did the convoy ambush. Great fast game. Followed the scenario but allowed the 6" placement of the tunnellers.
I used 3 of my new sleds as the convoy - I should have statted them, my bad, so I used my sled stats as armoured but not weaponised carriers.
The mounted hit the vehicles, destroying 1 and breaking the rest. Next go they fail to rally so another one goes. That makes them easy targets for the sniper.
Infantry hits the mounted but bounce in disarray.
Same thing happens to the Queen!
Rolling to remove - a 2. Excellent.
Queen goes in again and sends then reeling!
Oh yes, the rest of the infantry have now woken up.
My infantry go off table through shooting.
Queens shooting gets rid of the riders.
The sniper breaks the queen, she goes back!
The Queen fails her rally, goes off table!
And as she left, so does the sled--. Game over.
The other games. I stepped out for one, comfy chair and coffee beckoned.
4 way game. The proposed method - one side goes, then swaps to the same side player. Then finally to the over side. So you're the 4th player. Gives the other side the opportunity to gang up on one player while the other side sits there twiddling fingers. Not enjoyable.