Friday 21 May 2021

OGAM A Real Game! Hephaestus vs Ares

End of May 21. UK is starting to come out of lockdown, but the Indian variations are

starting to grow. I'm double vax'd Tony has 1.

So everything back at my place rather than an enclosed space with mostly unjabbed.

Only 16 months. Shit.

Last time I went through how I designed games. Here's the cut-down playsheets.

Useful to tick off figures. Some games we have both each.

I'm still having problems with formatting, please ignore.

Ares Q2 C5 

Group fighter, cannot be outnumbered.

Combat master, every activation can be used for a separate attack. 

Hammering blow.Roll 1, enemy free hack. 6 +2.

Shapeshift Boar Q2 C4 

Forester, no reduction for moving through woods.

Long move, 

Dashing, attacks in the same activation, without requiring a second activation.

Poison. For every casualty caused, roll a D6,  If 5,6 another casualty.


3x Amazon Princess, Q3 C3 Mounted, Long, Shoot Short, good shot. 

2x Amazon Chariot Heroes Q3 C3 Armoured, Mounted 


4 Amazon Noble Javelin Q4 C2   Armoured,  Greedy,   Shoot Short 

2x 8 Amazon Spear Q4 C2, Greedy 

4 Amazon maiden bow Q4 C1 Greedy, shoot medium

22 Amazon maiden javelin Q4 C1 Greedy, shoot short 

4 Amazon maiden cavalry Mounted, Fast, javelin Q4 C1 Greedy, shoot short 

Hephaestus Q2 C4 

Short move, 

Smithy. Gives Armoured trait to a Legend on deployment.


Tauroi Khalkeoi (bronze bull) Q3 C4   Armoured,   

Artificial,  no morale, no invocations.

Big, +1 combat +1 shot at. 

Combat master every activation can be used for a separate attack. 


Talos the bronze giant Q3 C4 
Armoured,  Artificial, 
Huge, +1 combat +1 shot at.  No cover bonus.
Hammering blow.  Roll 1, enemy free hack. 6 +2.

Perseus Q3 C3 
Stealth, if next to cover, cannot be shot at legend or mortal.
Ambusher ambush bonus +2

Pegasus Q3 C3 Flying,  Long move, 
Carrier, 1 action to pick up, automatic dismount at end.

Hero Q3 C3 @ 60


8 Automata Q4 C2   Artificial 

8 Armoured Heroes Q4 C3 
Steadfast +1 morale
Greedy. Q test if destroys enemy, fails lose 1 action next activation.

16 (2x8) Spear Q4 C2, Greedy 

8 Javelin, Q4 C1 Greedy, Shooter short

The game. No plan survives contact. Somewhere in the last year my 2 D6 boxes got- gone. Hasty plea. Sorted. Deep breath.

OGAM setup is a mini game. For once we added scenery. We diced - and I won. Hephaestus was attacking Ares. Crom. The way it works, the defender places first unit and then the attacker. Anywhere, as long as it's less than a medium away from an enemy. That means no plan survives contact with the enemy. Tony started with Ares - usually we leave gods till last. Sneaky move to gain the hill. But I messed his deployment plan up by sticking the bull so far forward. My left/Ares right was pretty well matched. The enclosure is the ideal location for my javelins to stay safe and pray a lot. The intention of those cavalry is obvious.

I moved Perseus using Pegasus, intending to break the other flank with an end run followed by spearmen. That didn't work or happen.

Tony did a typical Ares move, sending him into the spearmen, intending to isolate my javelins. I had 2 god-killers. Send in Talos, but alas! I got 2 activations, getting in contact but not fighting.

Rats. Send in the bull. I'd sent it up hill to hit the Amazons, now it careers towards Ares!

Ares gets a good go, leaves contact with Talos and strikes him down. Then the bull.

That leaves the central hill defended by remaining javelins & 4 heavy javelin plus a hero.  I sent the Automata in.

I expected to lose them, but they don't take morale tests, cannot invoke.
They ground through the maidens, pushing them back and contacting the rest.
Now, if I could only get my left flank to advance!

I thought I'd give it a try - better to hit a stronger god when you can have a plus.  Didn't work, my usual dice rolls-.

Dead god means a mass morale roll.  I saved all my surviving legends, but lost all mortals except the one unit Ares has stomped on! 

Positions when Hephaestus falls:

What I loss!

Tony decided on a change of tack, turning Ares into boar mode and then charges uphill into my Automata.

The spear was left to the chariot mounted Hero.  

Incoming!  Airborn,   Airmobile.  I'd underestimated Pegasus, seeing it as a carrier.  But it's a hard hitter that can choose where it will hit.  A Huey with door guns.  Down it comes on the chariot hero, crump! 

Hephaestus gets in tight. If they go- it's really over-.

 Ares has pushed the Automata down the hill, giving him a height advantage +1.  Not looking good!

A desperate bid.  Bite that ass!  In boar form, Ares can be outnumbered.  There are 5 Automata left.  Pegasus counts as 4, Ares as 8.  +1.  Pegasus has the height, +1.

Another dead god!

The archers pose a threat to Pegasus, so a charge.  They push him back.

Risen once again Ares takes his revenge on Pegasus.

Meanstwhile.  On the other flank the maiden javelin finally advance.

Perseus thunders down from upon high.  A draw- the Amazons lose 1 and Perseus makes a successful Q roll and tuns dead to a knockdown.  That doesn't help, they swarm him and he's dead.  Never underestimate cheap troops with pointy sticks.

The other hero falls to the Amazon Princess.  That's all my legends gone.

Well there we have it.  We made a few mistakes, had to look up stuff we wouldn't have back when.

More soon! 

Set up & pre set up pics.

I started painting these 3 hours before we started--.

Did a whole load of these,  I used irregular trays (lazily, as they were there)  for more regular troops.  I quite like the look, but I will retrofit some of my older.  You'll note that I put shrubbery on the trays rather than the figure bases.  First use of Museum Miniatures Z range nudes.

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