Saturday 3 August 2019

RS Imperial Dalek vs Morvellan.

The more astute among you, oh my gossips and those froody flockers who follow on facebook-.  Will note a pausality of playing.  A slowing down of slaughter.  A general slackness and falling orf off the incredibly high standards normally devoted to these harrowed pages.

Life, you see, is made up of experiences.  And not all those can be performed bent over a table with a ruler.  Or so the judge informed me with a knowing wink from beneath his fetching wig and particularly nice summer gown.

Plus, the temperature has been over 20*c with humidity in the high 90%.  Which, by UK (still was, ATM) is hot enough to melt a monkeys bum and a wargamers higher cerebral functions.

So there.

Note the presence of Ade Kate, intrepid news reporter.

Morvellan Star Cops.    Hive Mind.  
5 Constructs and Plasma rifle.

Construct. Agile, Artificial, Fire into melee, Marksman, Non reactive. 17 Total 42
Combat dress Legs/arms 3 Torso/head4 18
Laser rifle (5) Blind, 2 handed, Energy, 7 =25

Construct. Agile, Artificial, Fire into melee, Marksman, Non reactive. 17 Total 45
Crawl/walk 1”, Run 3” Sprint 5
Combat dress Legs/arms 3 Torso/head 4 18
Laser cannon (6) heavy, blind, 2 handed, energy 10 = 28 Crawl/walk 1”, Run 3” Sprint 5

Construct. Agile, Artificial, Fire into melee, Marksman, Non reactive. 17 Total 47
Combat dress Legs/arms 3 Torso/head 4 18
Plasma rifle, (5) Scorching, overheat, 2 handed, energy. 12 =30

Imperial Daleks. Cyborgs. Black top sub commander, 4 drones, 2 experienced, 2 green.

Tactical discipline Cool under fire -

Armour3 Crawl 1” Walk 2” Run 4” Sprint 6”
+1 spotting. Halve distance if aimed shot.

Blacktop sub-commander Leadership1 Marksman1
Light Power Armour Legs/arms 3 Body/head 5
Bionic eyes
Laser pistol (4) mounted variable, 7

Drone C D Marksman1
Light Power Armour Legs/arms 3 Body/head 5
Bionic eyes
Laser pistol (4) mounted variable,

Drone E F Marksman1 Green Activate 10 React 12
Light Power Armour Legs/arms 3 Body/head 5
Bionic eyes
Laser pistol (4) mounted variable,

The Game.  Simple meet & greet.  Yes I know it's lazy.  I took the Morvellans and got the initiative.  I snuck on all crafty like.  In most games we start off-table then move on.

Daleks are also cautious.

 How not to roll dice-.
Time to get serious.

First down to the Morvellans.  D was an experienced drone- not done yet.

Moving up making most use of cover.  Always a decision to super-move one or the whole team.




Advantage Dalek.

D's back up!

Dalek F (a green) moves up and starts laying down fire.

Not looking good for the Morvellans.

F must be neutralized.  Close in shooting but neither can hit a hanger hull from the inside-.

Support is needed!

Fire into melee can be very useful!  Dalek down.

At last!  Look, it's right there!  Computers!

D is still hurting so gets in close.  That didn't work.

Again with the missing!  Pick up a rock!

Now the Black Top shows up and moves in.

Now this is overkill.

D attempts to break free, but it didn't work-.

That leaves the Black Top.

Get in close-

He's down but not out!


A good shot (at last!) but it ain't enough-.

That was a more interesting game than it should have been-.  Having one non-reactive side puts more emphasis on taking the initiative, that gives the impression of an off-table computer battle for supremacy.  Getting in close should work.  Surprisingly well matched sides.  Lettuce see a less well match-.

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