Saturday, 30 April 2022

Rogue Stars Uranus goes to Venus. Wot we did on our hols.

I bought these back in the day for all hings Quar.  I spent shedloads on that kickstarter.  I did this flocking job on the day.  I like the artificial grass look.  Note that I could have just used todays snack of choice!

Bit of a cheat, this one! Often a chance remark on musing will turn into a game.
If the makings are readily available, as with this one, the process is quick.

One more, a big Of Armies And Hordes battle and the Lizards will rest for a while as we move onto pustules new.

The Plot The Uranusians discover Venus, which comes to bit of a shock to those who live, work and evolved there.  

Permanent dusk, high humidity and a delightfully dense atmosphere. Here by a limpid wallowing hole they start to set up a holiday park known by the universal Butlins, for such exist in every reality and multiverse.

Now there's a problem in this paradise. The local Shamen have gathered at this place since time immeasurable.

Here they worship the One True Religious Fact, Itsacon.  Here they indulge the gods in the only two practices that get their notice, sacrificing the poor and helpless by engaging in unspeakable rites and practices in praise of the universal dual beliefs "We are Superior" and "We know more than you".

Uranusian Militia  Heavy firepower.   Only the Brave, reroll any failed morale.   

Walk 2", Run 7", Sprint 9"  


Wait! I here you cry- we have seen these before! Ah yes, but it is the fate of such pan galactic

beings that once they transcend to the Ether are doomed to return. 


Glorious Leader  Huge, Extra legs3, Leader 1 Tough 2 

Laser cannon  6 Heavy, Blind, 2 handed, Energy.   Anti Psi helmet 

Drone Master Big, Extra legs3, Veteran +1 Action/Reaction Tough 
Heavy blaster  6 2 handed, Energy. 

Trump Ton  Big, Extra legs3, Tough     Heavy blaster  6 2 handed, Energy. 

1-3) Drones Extra legs3,    Zap rifle  4 Electrical, 2 handed, Energy.

Technician  Extra legs3, Tech 13    Motion detector 

Guard Extra legs3, Reactive, Force shield Legs 1 rest 4 Melee optimised. 
Monowire blade 3 Armour piercing 5 

Affiliated Rationaled Shamen of the Holy Order Lagoo Elder Sunnes.

Armour 1 Ignore 1st pin.  202

Psioics  Brawlers.  Reroll melee  OOOOOOOOOO

Dark Zion of Mull  (scythe up)  Psionic. Psi master 3 Reptiloid, Tough, Weapon master 2.  35 Total 49

Scythe 2 Primitive, Long, Smiting (+1 damage prone targets) 2

Hook (sword) 2 primitive 2

Mindscream  Each within 5” P58  10

Pretention of the Gord  (Dagger & hook) Psionic.  Psi master 2 Ambidextrous, Reptiloid, Tough, Weapon master 3. 44 Total 51

Dagger 1

Hook (sword) 2 primitive 2

Electrokinesis Dam 2 ranged attack   4 

Beutitude of Bellus (shield right) Psionic. Psi master 2 Reptiloid, Tough, Weapon master 2.  31 Total 43

Scythe 2 Primitive, Long, Smiting (+1 damage prone targets) 2

Nightmares -1 every 5”. Tgt morale roll p58.  Morale roll. 10 

Ballcracker Erasmus (shield left) Psionic. Psi master. Reptiloid, Tough, Weapon master 3 . 30 Total 39

Maul.  Primitive.  2. Crunch.  Hits 2+ destroy weapon or equipment OR damage.  3.

Telekinetic Push 8” Damage 3 ranged attack if hits up to 4” then tgt TN13 or fall prone. 6

Acolyte Psionic.  Psi master, Reptiloid, Weapon master. 17 Total 18

Dagger 1

Game 1 I took the happy campers and diced for placement. On top = inside.

Pretention of the Gord started proceedings, rushing Drone 3 (3 dots, got it?) First activation he got there- second he prepares to pounce - but there's a reaction! The poor Drone got it - and did a runner. A nasty slash.

Drone 2 advances and kills Pretention of the Gord.

Now the Drone Master opened up and killed Ballcracker Erasmus.

Now the Guard dashed in, clobbered the Ackolyte then running away.

Trump-ton had made a strategic replacement. Here Dark Zion of Mull, aiming for a Mindscream in the cover of the swamp, takes a wound.

Trump-ton makes another strategic move.

Dark Zion of Mull goes for Drone 2 and strikes him down from behind.

Beutitude of Bellus stalks the Drone Master. A nightmare attack did nothing-.

But that allows
Dark Zion of Mull to down the Master from behind.

Now Beutitude of Bellus and the Drone exchange slaps.

The Drone goes down with a second wound. But the reptile gets clobbered by the remaining Drone with a long shot.

With that the morale result meant that the game was over. We had jawed and lollygagged and time for second coffee and game 2.

Game 2 Usual Swapsies. Tony decided that the visitors had been on a nature walk, admiring and shooting the local wildlife.

Dark Zion of Mull did a long, possibly suicidal, run.

Nothing like a long stroll in the open in plain view. The Technician (read "tour guide") is volunteered/advanced to use the machine that goes "ping" to good effect.

Here comes the big guys!

Here comes Trump-ton wading through and stirring the swamp. Pretention of the Gord runs up and with a "Waa! Ekki Ekki Thump!" lets loose with both weapons in a blinding display of ambidextrous skill. Well, it would be, but the dice say no and tripping on his robe he goes down in a heap. Fortunately Trump-ton misses--. (Twit, I should have used "brawling!)

Blam! Dark Zion of Mull let's go a Mindscream! All the creatures bar Drone 2 writhe, each taking a Pin & Stress!

Then it's time to run line all the devils from Uranus are on your heels.

Gloating mode.

Drum roll-. Beutitude of Bellus rools 3. A nightmare strike on Trump-ton and the beast is OOA! Further a head shot on the huge leader cleaves his psi helmet and he, too is OOA! By Crom's hairy increments!

Ballcracker Erasmus beats upon the hapless Technician, but the grueson mall is less effective against the yielding, rubbery bulk of the hapless (left it in his chalet, let that be a lesson!) foe. (Again I could have used Brawling)

Morale - with the pin effects of the Mindscream and 2 OOA's the aliens morale is shot- one Drone flees. The others hunt their tormentor, the Dark Zion of Mull who is wounded by a Drone.

Ballcracker Erasmus sends an advancing Drone tumbling! The poor technician runs from his tormentor, taking a terrific konk to the noggin in the process.

Here we left it - parking charges being out limiting factor as always.
Reminder, yellow = pins and red =stress. Red dice = wounds.

Monday, 25 April 2022

Song of Blades & Heroes campaign games 2 & 3 The Sumerian town of Uuug vs the Hissinsyds tribe.

There's one who'l raise the tail n every army--.

Game 3 The Hissinsyds have started to gather in order to protect a river crossing when the Uuug approach.  

Hissansyds.  The warband is ready for war, but some will be Q5.  Leader is superior, so Q3 & C3-4 with add ons.

Leader 106
3 Warriors 96
8 Spear Warriors 192
5 archers 100
Total 494

Big Leader - Personality

Points 106

Quality 3+

Combat 3

Huge, Leader, Savage, Tough


Points 32

Quality 4+

Combat 3

Big, Swamp Walk

Spear Warriors

Points 24

Quality 4+

Combat 2

Big, Swamp Walk


Points 20

Quality 5+

Combat 2

Big, Shooter: Medium, Stealth

Uuug.  The force is equipped and good morale, So Q4 C2 with most shielded javelin.

Leader is Q4/C2 mounted with no add ons.  As there is a call for a champion, one should be Q3 and good shot.  Probably a veteran.

Leader  50,
Champion 68,
8 shielded javelin 144,
8 unshielded javelin 88,
8 Bow 144
2 Sling 28. 

Uuug Straddle Car - Personality

Points 50

Quality 4+

Combat 2

Leader, Mounted, Shooter: Short

Champion - Personality

Points 68

Quality 3+

Combat 2

Dashing, Sharpshooter, Shooter: Short, Tough

Shielded Javelin

Points 18

Quality 4+

Combat 2

Shooter: Short

Unshielded Javelin

Points 11

Quality 4+

Combat 1

Shooter: Short


Points 18

Quality 4+

Combat 1

Shooter: Long


Points 14

Quality 4+

Combat 1

Shooter: Medium

Here they come, walking down the street-- Tony attacking.

Both sides send archers up the dominant hill.

Thrust forward by the sub commander this bit looks tidy, but the other flank not so good.

So far so good, but those archers streaming around the hill bodes ill.  Beware the streaming service of March.

First one up - 2 archers down, then a swarm--.

Nice formation!  But wot's this?  A gory death and mine flee from the hill!

"Get 'em up there fast!"

Damn, this line made sense when their flank was protected by the forces on the hill, now they're fluffy bits are a hanging in the wind, inviting to be bitten.  Fortunately they just get into contact. 

One brave warrior dashes forward.  Dice are rolled very, very badly.  I need a suitable duck of initiative.

If you've only got one, all a leader can do is move.

The brave warrior goes down, and my archers do surprisingly well.

Help arrives!

A lucky gory death & they reel back!

The champion comes in to kill knocked down by an archer.  There's heroic.

Starting to encircle, but the leader does a reform move and the emphasis changes!

Hero gets clobbered!

You're all doing very well!


A gory death on my champion and the whole flank goes, chased by a ravening horde with point teeth & pointy teeth!

The leader is split between getting some order back & fighting the warrior!

Help is good, but don't turn around---

Meanstwhile on the other flank/rear, whatever- the archer makes an opening and the warriors dash for the sub commander.

It nearly worked!

The big boss comes in and cleaves to the clingons.  With the leader gone, the humans route!

Game 4 Uuug Send out your champion!  VS Hissinsyds. Raid.

Uuug  have advanced to a stream crossing and issued the challenge.  Now here's an interesting one! Battle of the Waywards I'll call it. Usually a morale break means doom, but this one - well, let's proceed.

I took the Uuug so I'm defending. My left is all unshielded javelin and archers, cntrolled by the sub commander, I'm a bit worried about the woods to my flank. Leader in the centre with 2 slingers and champion (they're most likely to use reactions) on the ford.

On my other flank 2 lines of shielded and the rest of the archers. 3 groups in command radius of the leader. My aim was to push across the river either straight across or on the road. I had considered setting up in a "T" on the road.

Tony's on the other hand, has 2 groups of spear, 1 group of archers and 3 higher quality warriors suitable for individual moves/reactions.

Thus we get to the starting positions. Set is just out of bowshot/eyesight.

A dash for the ford defended by the lone slinger.

The archers are out of command distance, so go tippy toe individually.

The champion defends the ford heroically but gets cut down all dramatic like.

So it IS possible!

Having learnt from last time, the warriors swarm all over the leader. Fortunately he's able to get some support and the attack is beaten off!

"It's coming through the trees!" The sub commander is caught between the archers in the trees (we moved some, so imagine) and the fight around the commander.

The champion is up! HOW he survived-- now he's holding back the brutes as the last of the assault is dealt with.

Note the line sitting in the stream soaking their furry bits. I started getting them over right at the start and I just never managed it!

Ah good-

Now the champion, surrounded gets proper deaded all gory like. That was the reaction - now we have the actions.

The warriors swarm in and start killing stragglers.

Now my commander gets good rolls! He commands the archers who were outside of the route, they advance on the horde, pelting them with 2 on 1 & +1.

Now it's their turn to run from a gory death! a reform call works well.

Imagine if you will, more trees. An archer sneaking forward, for the first and last shot of the game, takes a reaction and a javelin goes down. It's a gory death! The flank goes with the sub commander getting 3 fails, so he disappears!

The horde is close to 50% - but now that group of archers is free to lend their weight on the flank. They dash in death or glory for the leader!

Alas! Another gory death! This time the big boss rolls bad, so with no command, they run. Although those archers are still out there. So sort of a victory for the humans.

I hope you enjoyed this. We will follow on this campaign, adding more now and then until we, um, stop!