Wednesday 6 October 2021

Of Gods And Mortals Pan vs Set. Sacred Spring Autumn pan set.

 This is a small test for my multi-god plot as previously mentioned.

Methodology and Set up.

I'd made these bases to upgrade 2p bases up to 40x40mm.  Plonk a tree in and sorted, one annony mouse number.  Plus, takes one action to reveal.

Dividing the table into 6 x 6 then dicing for each item. to be placed by the defender.

Then we diced for the one-.  6

This led to tactics - I know!  In  wargame!

Revealing the spring too soon and it would be a magnet.

The forces were light, fast or shooting.  Although small, the 6 items on a 3x3 table got things interesting.

I decided no set-up closer than a long to a scenic piece.  Plus the no closer than a medium to an enemy.  Tony got to defend and he had the bulk of the scenery so he deployed back & I deployed aggressively forward.

Except for the RPE Chiron and Set from Aegypt gods, Pan SHQ, everything is from Splintered Light.

Warning. Due to the gods involved the level of puns was extreme and only suitable for a jaded adult mind.

Set 356

Q2 C4  Desert walk, Weather control, Confound, Plague, Poison, Shooter Long


Legends Hounds Q3 C3 Long, Dashing 2x 84 = 168  524


Hounds Q4 C2 Animal Long, Dashing 25 x 4 = 100

Archers Q4 C2 Shooter Medium 12 x 20 = 240

Light spear Q4 C1 Desert walk  8 x 10 = 80

Mummies Q4 C2 Undead, Armoured, Slow 3 x 18 = 54

Set 356
Legends 168
Mortals 474

Pan Q2 C4  Forester.  Transfix.  Tremble before my might. 308

Chiron Q3 C3 Long move. Dashing. 84
Centaur Hero Q3 C3 Long move. Dashing.  84

Centaurs Q4 C3 Drunkard, (drunk) Long, Dashing  4x 35 = 140

Centaur archers Q4 C2 Drunkard, (Sober) Long, Shoot long. 4 x 30 = 120

Satyrs Q4 C2 Drunkard. (Sober)7 x 15 = 105

Satyr Archers Q4 C2 Drunkard, (Sober) Shooter medium 8 x 20 = 160

Pan 308
Legends 168 
Mortals 525

How it all pan'd out.

I really pushed forward, Tony kept back.

To start I had only one I thought safe praying. The big, big difference with this style of game is that you never know when you're going to lose the initiative or get bitten by a reaction.

I sent my hound against the centaurs. A fairly even match-

I won, they go back. I would have followed up but that would have left me vulnerable to the centaur legend.

Moving up the centre.

Repeat on the other flank.

Same result - but I charge in with the dawgs now I outnumber them.


Hound again! I don't trust centaur archers--

This is - dangerous.

Tony's legend moves into contact with my archers on reaction.

Bugger, but not turn around.

I think they call this a dog fight?

Mummies let me down, a real set back.

Pan pummels my poor hound!

Now the brutes attacking my other archers.

Turnover and attack!

6:1 will do it.

Ooooh crap- The rules don't say so, but we always test morale after a god dies. A general "oh Shit" reaction.

Smug mode.

I had a flank. I'm sure I had a flank.

I got 'er!

And the other one!

And he's back! Just enough to get into contact - then charge in the dawgs!

That helped!

At this stage Tony starts checking for the spring.

My hound is being picked upon.

Set dashes, but too late! With the hound legends gone, the hound animals go oftski. These were the hits of the game. I've got 1 hound pulled chariot & I'm tempted to do 2 or 3 more Legends. You get 6 in a pack-. Three more I could have a normal chariot force. Hmmm.

Clash, with all Pans people praying, pushback, clash!

Down smitten.

Small loss.

And he's back.

Equal 7's, so all there present awed marked in white.

Pan gets the upper hand.

I get Set, go, find the spring!

Now the race is on, I need the extra dice and topping up.

Clash betwix the 2 small units.

Pan pummels again.

Caught you!

That leaves Tony with 1 unit of 4 - right on the edge!

Again he's back.

My troops are heading for the spring.

Hello boys.

That was sneaky!

2 of mine go back, close to the edge and away from the spring. The archers are now up to full strength! In contact the 2 units can generate 3 dice! Mummies don't care-.

Mummies in contact with magical recharging port.

Not what I needed.

All a bit close & personal!

And Pan's gorn! I'd reduces his last 4 by Set shooting, so he couldn't return!

That was a cracker to finish this run. Glad I put the effort in. We'd only played this scenario once when we started but it'll pop up again.

The dead-

Pan I've been building up an army of beastmen from several manufacturers including Splintered Light, Irregular, RPE, Khurasan,   The only difference from this game and one 5 years ago is the RPE centaur as Chiron and Pan from SHQ.

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