Monday, 12 July 2021

RS Dominar Rigel and the Foxy Force 5 vs PAU Police

Dominar Rigel and the Foxy Force Five. They were 5 ordinary young criminals until the Dominar recruited them. If you have a problem you need - resolved you might be able to hire this crew.

I've racked my brains as to the manufacturer of these ladies - I thought CP Models or Khurasan, RPE, but no - I'll find them.

PAU (and trailer) are all GZG PAU special forces. Commisar is an armed civilian and the scout a merc.

Except for wall sections, all terrain is from

The more astute reader will have gone "aaah" in a knowing way, having realised that I'm exerting my Modus Operandi* and playtesting the potential participants of my Oz campaign (May 2020) The more worried reader will be dreading the arrival of the Vegemite Mining Association.

* insert pithy comment here.

Total 200 Opportunity Fire.  +1 any shot on Reaction.

Dominar Rigel Civilian, Difficult target, Fast, Free disengage, Leader. Total 7 = 21
Activate 12 React 14 Flight 8" Hover 2". Free disengage.
Flight Pack 8
Zap pistol (3) Built in, Electrical, Energy, short range 6

Ms Black  Marksman 3  18 =  44
Light Combat Dress Legs/Arms 2 Torso/Head 3  14
Laser rifle, (5)  Blind, 2 handed energy 7
Accurate Weapon +1 called or aimed shots 5

Ms White.  Marksman 2  Martial Arts 2  Medic 19 =  41
Light Combat Dress Legs/Arms 2 Torso/Head 3  14
Hunting needler, (3) silent, 2 handed 8 

Ms Grey  Marksman Martial Arts  Tech 12 =  33
Light Combat Dress Legs/Arms 2 Torso/Head 3  14
Zap Rifle (4) Electrical, 2 handed, energy  7

Ms Blue  Marksman Martial Arts 8 = 29
Light Combat Dress Legs/Arms 2 Torso/Head 3  14
Zap Rifle (4) Electrical, 2 handed, energy  7

Ms Green  Marksman Martial Arts Stealth 11 = 32
Light Combat Dress Legs/Arms 2 Torso/Head 3  14
Zap Rifle (4) Electrical, 2 handed, energy  7

PAU Paramilitary Police Patrol PAUPPP  Militia  Total 199 4 Reload token. Commissar Inspector Dang Alert2 Marksman2 16= 29
Kevlar Torso 2 6
Zap rifle, (4) Electrical, 2 handed, energy 7

Sergeant Fong  Vet, Leader3,  Marksman2  Martial arts.  40= 54
Kevlar Torso 2 6
Assault rifle (5) Auto, 2 handed 8 

Gunner Hassan Marksman2  Martial arts.  14 = 30
Kevlar Torso 2 6
Machine gun  (5) Heavy, 2 handed. 10

Trooper Jelani Marksman  Martial arts. 8 = 22
Kevlar Torso. 2 6
Assault rifle (5) Auto, 2 handed 8 

Tech Gbeho Marksman2  Martial arts. Tech 18 = 32
Kevlar Torso 2  6
Assault rifle (5) Auto, 2 handed 8 

Scout Bankole Danger sense, Marksman2, Martial arts2,  Stealth 21 = 32
SMG  (4) Auto  6
Pistol (4)  Short range, 5

The Game.  Mission 17, make it back to the ship alive.  Here is Environment 8 Defenders home planet.  The Baron and crew have acquired a trolley load of gains.  He's pulling it (half speed) behind his sled.  The mission says his side is deployed & the defenders at a distance.  Amazingly. Tony took the cops.  You think you know people. 

The Baron zooms down the road.

"Stop in the name of the legal law!"

Sneaking up.

 It's going to come down, so the Baron sensibly legs it.

The sergeant tries to outflank.

He leaps the dune in one bound, tried a snap shot wot misses.  The Commisar goes forth.

Ms Black is a sniper, not the best or best equipped for this type of encounter.  This game, for once- the dice were with me - embarrassingly so.  She drills a hole through the sergeants head.

Now Ms Green removes the Commissar.

A shot at the tech misses, he hides in the doorway.

Ms Green gets knocked off her feet by the scout, who tucks herself under the offending trailer.  Ms Blue & White sneak around the flank.

A brief encounter!  Ms Blue takes a shot, burns the Troopers vest.

Alas, Ms Green recovers, and the scout is too close for anything but a head shot.

The tech is feeling that the wall is a bit thin- as another poor soul bites the dusty road.

It's on the dice, the Trooper fails (2 pins from last shot, if he had won it could have been a lot different)  Another high roll and the poor chap is outshot and killed.

That's a complete win for the Dominar.  The dice were with me.  I thought the balance was, if anywhere, with the cops.  The Dominar is more of a liability.  Foxy's have better armour, cops better weapons, better shots and more effectives.

Yellow pin.

Friday, 9 July 2021

Forged In Battle goes to Mars

Do you remember February 2020?  I ran my first participation game in - too long.  Seems like another life, doesn't it?  Sort of double for me, 'cos the year before my visit to
Beachhead show was my first solo venture after my stroke.  Scary biscuits indeed.

I used Martian forces to demo Of Armies And Hordes.  

Now I'm comparing a cut-down version of that game (3x3 table instead of 4x3 and no aerial)  Would be good to do larger, but you know, plague zombies in enclosed room.  Once Tony has had 2nd jab and that kicks in---.

This is generated using meeting engagement 1.  The lighter force has been caught in motion by the larger.  No points listing, no attempt at fairness.

We are gearing up for Age of War Japanese with these rules.  I understand that Andrea has commissioned a supplement for same for next year, so we're jumping the gun with our petard firmly grasped in teeth there.

If you'd like me to expand and explore this VSF avenue please tell me!

The Rules.  Good and simple.  Complicated enough to be worthwhile, they do give an excellent feel.

If you're used to the D6 Ganesha method, there's no real surprises, usual Quality and Combat.  Combat & shooting an opposed roll adding C plus/minus a few factors.  Not the usual reaction, but any 1 in activation gives the opponent a free reaction.  The usual 2 fails and the Duck of Initiative passes.  As per, in this game we didn't get to activate every unit before it passed.  I've pointed out one below*.  Often these are pivotal events leading to calls of "I am surrounded by fools! (etc.)"

Unusually,  we didn't get to finish this game.  Unfortunately I don't have the ability to leave in place then finish.


Then.  interesting, same cloth reversed.

Euxinus Lacus Wagon train 

7 units including 1 baggage loosely based on early 30 years war list

Command.  General and 3 officers.  Q3 C2 Pistol.  Armoured.

Armoured 5,6 negates hit

2x  Infantry  each:

5 crossbow Q4 C1  

3 Pike Q4 C1 protected  

2 leaders Q4 C2 protected

Protected 6 negates hit.

Crossbow.  Long range, reload, protected no save, Armoured 6. (My adaption)


5 Swords Q4 C2 Protected 

3 Pike Q4 C1 protected

2 leaders Q4 C2 Protected 

2x6 Light Cavalry Caracole 5 Q3 C1 “pistol” Armoured.  

Leader Q3 C1 “pistol” Armoured

Caracole combine move & shoot in 1 action.
Pistol.  Short. No reload.

6 Lancer cavalry Trotter 5 + Leader Q3 C2 Lance  Armoured

Trotter  Medium charge move +1 1st combat.

2 Wagons Road.  Short Move.  Offroad 2 actions Short move 

Light Piece side mounted Q4 C1 Crew 3. Resilience 3

Shoot 2 Actions.  Reload 10.  Change orientation (wagon) 4

1st hit 4D

Wagon Leader on Breehr Q3 C3 “pistol” Armoured

Herculis  I’ve chosen a Polish Lithuanian army as the closest analogue.

Command 4 Cavalry, Q3 C2 Armoured

8 Lancers Galloper 5 Q3 C2 Protected.  

Leader Lance, Pistol, Q3 C2 Armoured

Gallopers Long charge move+1 1st combat.

2x6 Cavalry, Galloper 5 Q4 C2 Protected, impetuous

Leader   Q4 C2 Armoured, impetuous

Q4 C2 4 polearm Armoured 
4 crossbow Q4 C1 
Leader Q4 C2 polearm Armoured

2x Infantry 4 Crossbow Q4 C1 4 Swords Q4 C1 Protected

2 leaders Q4 C2 Protected

2xHighlander Infantry 7 Sword & buckler Q4 C1  Leader Q4 C2 Protected

Impetuous regardless of morale, will always pursue

“Falcon” gun.  Crew 4 plus 1 Leader Q4 C1.

Shoot 2 Actions.  Reload 12.  1st hit D6

The Game.  Tony took the attacking Herculis.   The rules state that any unit greater than 3 Long from any enemy can make a move.  Then you roll as per usual.

My flank cavalry get jumped by Tony's lancers. 

3:2, the lancers win and mine are pushed back.  The impetuous lancers follow up until they're wiped out.  Boo!

Meanstwhile, on the other flank my cavalry do that wot they do, riding up to the highlanders, go "bang" and cause no casualties.  Not one.  Zilch.

Back on the other flank, my lancers crash into the flank of the successors.

My lancers won and I control them.  I bring up crossbows to finish the job.

Overview.  My remaining cavalry doing running around avoiding everything behavior.

My heavies hide from the cannon behind the rocks.  Brewing up, sarnies, probably bikkies.

I'd made these movement bases for the event.  The others are made for "Infamy Infamy" but are perfect for this game - and Quar.  I must get more - and the cannon bases.

Slowly the mighty engine of destruction moves forward.  This flank is turning into a Martian standoff.

Meanwhile on the other flank, um-.  I had hoped to do dashing things with my cavalry, but I never got 3 activations.

Tony pushes more infantry forward.  I take the risk and move up one of my wagons.

Excellent shooting!  My crossbows get 4 out of 5 hits & take out both leaders!  That pins them until a new leader can reach them from the command group.

Not exactly the best combat unit, but my infantry crash into the stricken unit and destroy it!

One left -

Ah- not the best place to end up.

* Here we go.  Now remember that 2 failures means a turnover?  And that a 1 gives your opponent a free reaction?  And that a charge takes 2 actions?  I had hoped to charge these into Tony's flanking cavalry to promote a general advance before the other infantry could turn up.  Deep breath.  What actually happened is that Tony's cavalry took the 2 reactions and slam into my infantries flank.

Mine are ridden down.

As they are thrust back, there is an exchange of cannon fire going Bang!

I manage to get my lancers moving, to save my infantry.  Their turn to be ridden down.

Now it's the turn of the heavies.  Mine bottle out, probably realising that the cannon was a bit close--.

The advancing infantry now realise that they are the flank & there be lancers.  The crossbow bring one down.

Getting away from the crossbow forces my lancers into a wide arc.

The highlanders and command start to sneak around the rocks.

Bang!  My second cannon inna wagon lets loose.  Missing the command unit completely the shot takes the head of a highlander--.

The command takes out my wagonmaster.

I get a second shot!  One gone from the command and another from the highlanders.  Each Long means 1 less dice.

More exchange of bangs, crews reduced.

Tony starts to envelope my wagon.  I think that's called "going postal".

The command unit engages my wagon.  It puts up an excellent defence, leaving only the CnC alive.  But my gunne wagon is gonne wagon.

Alas, we ran out of time.  Unfamiliarity with the rules (and trying to get things right) cost us an hour.  I think I would have lost -

Tonys highlanders could charge my other wagon while his cavalry took out mine.

My lancers could probably take his cannon from behind, but then there are those crossbows-.