Deep Joy. So, hump a lot of boxes to Entoyment and sort-it-out. Work out 2 sides. Line 'em up and off we go.
Let's look at playing the game.
Here's the sides- I used a lot of beastmen from Irregular, RPE, Khurasan & Splintered Light latest kickstarter. Shields from (mostly) Battle Valour. There's a sprinkling of Alternative Armies.
All the usual suspects.
I gave Tony the option of 3 separate cyclops or 1 unit, hence the spare base.
An objective, ignored, The Carrots Of Doom! A fun Alternative Armies thing.
The Game and the new Entoyment Black Sparkly Duck of Initiative. A simple table. No army bumpth as I did it on paper- winging it all the way. The centres lead the way.
First clash.
Mutual death.
Risky. 2 size 3 chariots get jumped by 4 skirmishers & 12 spear. We roll 4 different dice for the skirmishers. The chariots roll 6 dice & the spear 12. The chariots wipe out the skirmishers (contacted first) and 1 spear. The skellys are disordered having contacted chariots.
I'm trying to move my line up to block flanking moves. The dice won't play!
And back to Tony. The Hydra slams in, wipes out the archers. Mine received more hit so goes back.
Now THIS is a fantasy battle.
The Tree Lord causes disruption to the chariots.
Tony counters by sending in Spot on reaction. He's fighting the entire square.
My heavy Silenos go into the disordered chariots and crush them.
Hurray! Oh shit- They in turn are disordered, having contacted chariots.
Now the Hydra hits them on the flank while disordered!
Amazingly, there are survivors.
I get the tree in there, Spot comes back in. He crunches through the disordered and goes down to the tree.
His victory face.
10 better vs 11 and I come off worse!
But there's more in the wings.
The centre has thinned out. I start to move my left flank units to fill the gap & get away from that mass just waiting.
That's a strong flank.
Here comes the meat grinder!
Chariots taken from the rear on reaction.
Here comes Paris, (sub general) leading the Trojans.
Oh crap that costs--.
Another cyclops tries and fails.
Paris slams in - but a crap roll (He rolls 3 white plus 1 coloured dice as a general. Rolling 5 or less on the white & you're dead) wipes him out.
He's a sub general. No one cares.
Flank charge, worth a go-.
I'd worked my general forward and he charges Persephone, wipes her out.
This has an amazing morale effect! All the amazons go, and most of the Trojans! You roll 3 dice, any that fails the Q roll goes backwards. 3 fails they disappear.
Undead do not care.
Skeletons attack.
Amazingly my 2 axe survive & are pushed back.
I couldn't resist.
Slat! Pow!
I must do more painting.
But rats, the fickle god of the dice--. Skellies crash into my general from the flank and destroy him.
Yet again the Gods must be crazy! A splendid game, love the big ones very inspiring!