Lovely Pterosaurs and their riders - but - my old flight bases just aren't up to the job. I noticed recently that my witches and Dominar Rigel need to upgrade. Dearest Matt Hay has some I've long admired. I can either hate from afar, plot my revenge and then take same from his cold hand or, take advice and make my own. Difficult choice!
Six of the bases have letter beads - and there are 6 unmanned flyers. These are for Rogue Stars and/or Paleo Diet.
Amazon so here's what I bought:
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The smaller bearings didn't work, not a strong enough grip. I went to 9mm and they were fine. But that leaves me with several sizes of smaller-- I can get even smaller magnets for ground level.
Each base has a 2p underneath, for weight and to fit into a movement stand. Good layer of Hard as Nails (as always) the rocks bring the balance down. Past memories of Full Thrust and others - crashing models and bits flying off!
Excellent idea, but instead of the bottle-cap 'low flying' base, why not add a rock like on your tall bases, and just glue the magnet atop said rock? It would blend in better.