Friday, 24 December 2021

Planning a new SF force. United Nations Intelligence Troop for Flying Lead & Rogue Stars

I made a post on 15mm Science Fiction about this.  I got such a positive reaction that I thought I'd expand it and go through my process.  I hope you enjoy and I hope it helps.

Basics.  The troop is an extended platoon.  

Three sections of 5.  
Commander, command section with lieutenant.  
Two infantry sections each with a sergeant. 
Additional section of special forces or scientific advisors.  

It is able to call on other regular UNSC resources.  I see it as a second echelon force rather than front line.  Capable of being highly efficient guards/urban troops plus the ability to carry out special operations, small police actions and - diplomatic missions.

All infantry (ish) are from Brigades Oneness/British range in berets.  

All vehicles are from GZG.  I'll add drones and remotes once the refurb is complete.

Command.  Brigadier in various forms  including in his jeep.
5 from
That makes an ideal Rogue Stars team 1.

Ideal carrier.  Possibly with a trailer for drones:

Troops.  I need 2 sets of these as I need to make some conversions for sitting, etc.  I might get some GZG  for drivers & turret sitter conversions.  
10 plus add-ons & conversions make another 2 Rogue Stars teams.


Special forces.  Specialists in urban or more police SWAT type actions.  I'll add some GZG in here, plus conversions.  Yet another couple of Rogue Stars teams with a Brigadier in armour.

I don't see them using vehicles unless it's a chopper.  
This was a suggestion from a FB reader:


Science section.  This is an "anything goes"  selection.  This would make a good base:

I think another jeep:

Another trailer:

Additional vehicles.  Armoured cars and trucks.

I'm thinking a small convoy.  White plus big UN lettering?

Rules - probably no surprises there!  First Rogue Stars.  You only need 6, so this is a good reason to do those conversions and up the quality of painting.  This type of game is perfect for these forces:

Flying Lead.  This is a mid-tech level force that can be upgraded.  But all are elite.  I'm looking at a force designed for scenarios such as  convoy ambush.  Quick reaction & assessment and raids.

One day I'll find the right quality figures to do the 1980's version.

Saturday, 18 December 2021

Beach Head Planning 2 St James's church (Poole) and movement bases.

 Late December.  A new covid surge.  Everything is being cancelled.  Getting motivation is very difficult.  I'm trying to remember that this is for more than one game/event.

The Church.  There are very few model churches out there.  Considering how common they are, plus the original concept was to provide a local rallying area and strongpoint.

This one is from Pendraken/Minibits:

The Parish Church of St. James stands at the S.W. end of the old town 160 yds. N. of the Quay; the walls are faced with Purbeck stone ashlar and the roofs are slate-covered. The present building stands on the site of the mediaeval church which had become dilapidated and was demolished in 1819.

Base is from Warbases.  Wall sections were from a bin of bits at Beach Head.  I tried heating and bending, but that didn't work, but their base came off easy and I just snapped them into bits.   No guesses that hard as nail used to mount.  You'll note that for once I don't skim the base.


Church assembled and placed.

Walls painted dark grey, high lighted light grey.  Stone & shrubbery painted.  Base painted 50/50 paint & PVA.  You know what I'm going to say?  Overnight!

Flocking is quite light as bases will be added.  Note the path goes into the porch.

Hitting the hair spray - don't do varnish.  Nitpicking.  White highlights on stone & roof.  Outer edge might need touching up once pay surface sorted.  I had planned to pop out to Entoyment, grab a table and work on it.  Plus the stuff in my locker, after 3 nearly years has reached mythic status.  

Movement bases.  The 3 "boat bases" are designed to carry the 3 attacking commands.  I'm toying with the idea of adding matchstick stops.  I'll see what happens later.

Round ones are 2 CD's stuck togever with gorilla glue.  Note - this leaves a slightly rough edge, perfect for picking up for people like me!

Third was a small terrain base, Blotz this time:

All same method.  Covering of my go-to product harder as nails then cardboard pressed in.  The mess is then shaped.  All told I spent 40p on hard as nails on this bit.

2 flocks later.  This one is designed to convey the relief force.  This is so useful I might make more.

Not finished.  Once I get my "wet" on theses will match.

Sunday, 12 December 2021

Rogue Stars Ogron cops vs Morvellan infiltrators


Deep breath.  The idea of an Ogron civil war popped up a while ago and has been mulling in those back passages of my mind that plots and schemes like a tyrannical villain on holiday.  Look, it's better than bottling it up & it doesn't scare the horses.  Well, usually.

A rough caste of villains.

Government Ogron forces.  Regular troops, vehicles.  These include "settled" tribes that provide security/police for humans and Imperial Dalek forces.

Rebel/pirate Ogron forces who are independent or hired as mercenaries by anyone.

Imperial Daleks.  Possibly with a sub-set of science faction.  Both may use human clone Robomen.

Rebel/alternative timeline Daleks. Possibly with a sub-set of science faction. Both may use captured and converted "old" style human Robomen.

Morvellans.  This AI culture is fighting (all) Daleks, achieving stalemate.  Use of Ogrons is a wildcard employed by all Dalek factions, so reducing their ability is an objective in keeping the stalemate going.

UNSF.  The United Nations is dedicated to meeting and understanding over life forms, then stopping them.

Ogrons.  "Settled" tribes tend to be smaller and a lot more disciplined than their "wilder" cousins.  I got patrol vehicles for these during the Down Time from GZG but have yet to assemble---.

Morvellans come in three grades: 
Superior, leaders and high end techs.  

Normals.  These used here have a basic combat upgrade that includes removing the non reactive and green formats. 

Reforms.  Those having suffered damage that has not yet been processes or loss of function too minor to scrap or basic service models yet to be reformatted for combat. 

Serious stuff - recommended!

Quick note on figures.  Back in the before time I made an order to Rebel Miniatures.

Ogrons, a smaller race than their GZG cousins, these are ideal for police/militia:

Moevellans.  These are perfect:

Morvellan Star Cops  Leader, HW, 4 Normals. 201
Hive Mind OOOO share reaction.  Ignore morale.

Superior  Artificial, Fast, Leader.  Marksman.  Weaponmaster.  29 Total 44     
Intrusion kit 4
Motion detector 4 
Zap rifle 4 Electrical, 2 handed, Energy.  7

Superior Heavy Weapons Artificial, Fast.  Marksman 2 .  Weaponmaster. 29 Total 37
Heavy Blaster rifle 6 Heavy, 2 handed, Energy. 8 

Normal.  Artificial, Fast, Leader.  Marksman.  Weaponmaster. 23  30 
Zap rifle 4 Electrical, 2 handed, Energy.  7

Ogrons.  Militia Patrol.  201 Sergeant, driver, 3 trooper & fng.
Cool under fire. 8 Remove a pin.  o o o o o o o o 

Sergeant Leader2,  Marksman2, Reactive, Tough, Weaponmaster2.  Veteran 49 Total 63
Kevlar,  Torso 2 6
Assault rifle.  5 Automatic.  2 handed.  8

Driver Green. Marksman, Tough, Tech. Weaponmaster.  13 Total 25
Kevlar,  Torso 2 6
SMG 4 Automatic  6

Trooper Marksman, Tough, Weaponmaster.  17 Total 31
Kevlar,  Torso 2 6
Assault rifle.  5 Automatic.  2 handed.  8

FNG GREEN. Marksman, Tough 6 Total 20
Kevlar,  Torso 2 6
Assault rifle.  5 Automatic.  2 handed.  8

The Game.  Mission 6 Ambush.  Location 8 Defenders home planet.  Complication 17 Rookie.  This one sort of decided itself as I either had to have unequipped force or 2 green.  You'll note that the green driver has an SMG rather than rifle.

The ambush scenario calls for the defenders to set up in the table centre.  Mine are a patrol.

The Morvellans set up behind the grassy knolls in a classic L shape ambush.  I think they would consider this an assessment exercise.

Carefully the 2 Superiors ascend the grassy knoll.

My leader spots something suspicious.  The driver stands out like a sore thumb--.

The two blockers take position.

The first shots ring out and the Ogrons take cover.

The first Morvellan goes down in a hail of fire.  Snap, crackle and pop.

Garden wire is useful for deciding LOS.

Now it's the turn of the Superiors to move into position, the heavy weapon sets up.

The surviving blocker makes a run for my Sergeant.

I form a line as the Morvllans close in.

The blocker lines up, but my flanker has him dead to rights.

I'm moving in close.

My turned to be outflanked and deaded.

Longshots sometimes pay off, my driver goes down wounded.

Now it's getting close and personal.  Cat and mouse.

Flanking the flankers.

My Sergeant hunts the Superiors, but the HW gets him first.  And my other flanker in quick succession.

A shot at the HW misses.  It darts forward, shots are exchanged at it goes down to a close-in hail of fire.

But it is soon avenged.  I think they're learning.

And so is he---.  Vicious, ain't it!

Another long shot by the HW Morvellan.  It's getting the hang of it.

The Ogron driver is wounded but up, tries a shot, misses- the return doesn't.

This game saw a LOT of headshots.  This one was no different, and a 6 just equalled the weapon.  One more head gone!!

That was that - the Morvellans paid a heavy price, only the 2 Superiors survived. 

New counters 'cos I managed to misplace all of mine--

I did these for Quar - maybe one day.  Ice cream cones from Hobbycraft, doors & windows from GZG.

Brigade Models (on sale!)  got for Mars.  I have more to do--

Alternative Armies Ion Age scenics, included ruined!