Deep breath. The idea of an Ogron civil war popped up a while ago and has been mulling in those back passages of my mind that plots and schemes like a tyrannical villain on holiday. Look, it's better than bottling it up & it doesn't scare the horses. Well, usually.
A rough caste of villains.
Government Ogron forces. Regular troops, vehicles. These include "settled" tribes that provide security/police for humans and Imperial Dalek forces.
Rebel/pirate Ogron forces who are independent or hired as mercenaries by anyone.
Imperial Daleks. Possibly with a sub-set of science faction. Both may use human clone Robomen.
Rebel/alternative timeline Daleks. Possibly with a sub-set of science faction. Both may use captured and converted "old" style human Robomen.
Morvellans. This AI culture is fighting (all) Daleks, achieving stalemate. Use of Ogrons is a wildcard employed by all Dalek factions, so reducing their ability is an objective in keeping the stalemate going.
UNSF. The United Nations is dedicated to meeting and understanding over life forms, then stopping them.
Ogrons. "Settled" tribes tend to be smaller and a lot more disciplined than their "wilder" cousins. I got patrol vehicles for these during the Down Time from GZG but have yet to assemble---.
Morvellans come in three grades:
Superior, leaders and high end techs.
Normals. These used here have a basic combat upgrade that includes removing the non reactive and green formats.
Reforms. Those having suffered damage that has not yet been processes or loss of function too minor to scrap or basic service models yet to be reformatted for combat.
Serious stuff - recommended!
Quick note on figures. Back in the before time I made an order to Rebel Miniatures.
Ogrons, a smaller race than their GZG cousins, these are ideal for police/militia:
Moevellans. These are perfect:
Morvellan Star Cops Leader, HW, 4 Normals. 201
Hive Mind OOOO share reaction. Ignore morale.
Superior Artificial, Fast, Leader. Marksman. Weaponmaster. 29 Total 44
Intrusion kit 4
Motion detector 4
Zap rifle 4 Electrical, 2 handed, Energy. 7
Superior Heavy Weapons Artificial, Fast. Marksman 2 . Weaponmaster. 29 Total 37
Heavy Blaster rifle 6 Heavy, 2 handed, Energy. 8
Normal. Artificial, Fast, Leader. Marksman. Weaponmaster. 23 30
Zap rifle 4 Electrical, 2 handed, Energy. 7
Ogrons. Militia Patrol. 201 Sergeant, driver, 3 trooper & fng.
Cool under fire. 8 Remove a pin. o o o o o o o o
Sergeant Leader2, Marksman2, Reactive, Tough, Weaponmaster2. Veteran 49 Total 63
Kevlar, Torso 2 6
Assault rifle. 5 Automatic. 2 handed. 8
Driver Green. Marksman, Tough, Tech. Weaponmaster. 13 Total 25
Kevlar, Torso 2 6
SMG 4 Automatic 6
Trooper Marksman, Tough, Weaponmaster. 17 Total 31
Kevlar, Torso 2 6
Assault rifle. 5 Automatic. 2 handed. 8
FNG GREEN. Marksman, Tough 6 Total 20
Kevlar, Torso 2 6
Assault rifle. 5 Automatic. 2 handed. 8
The Game. Mission 6 Ambush. Location 8 Defenders home planet. Complication 17 Rookie. This one sort of decided itself as I either had to have unequipped force or 2 green. You'll note that the green driver has an SMG rather than rifle.
The ambush scenario calls for the defenders to set up in the table centre. Mine are a patrol.
My turned to be outflanked and deaded.
My Sergeant hunts the Superiors, but the HW gets him first. And my other flanker in quick succession.
Another long shot by the HW Morvellan. It's getting the hang of it.
The Ogron driver is wounded but up, tries a shot, misses- the return doesn't.
New counters 'cos I managed to misplace all of mine--
I did these for Quar - maybe one day. Ice cream cones from Hobbycraft, doors & windows from GZG.
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