Decided that if I'm going to run a campaign, I'm going to need to test the designs so we have a "handle" on the forces. I'm doing them as I get too 'em rather than being organised
Scenario 11 Control Terrain. Dense Terrain. Complication "it's Personal". Had to be the Blacktop, random got Nnancii.
Scenario 11 Control Terrain. Dense Terrain. Complication "it's Personal". Had to be the Blacktop, random got Nnancii.
Merchants. These stealthy corporates make use of robots and
mercenaries. I didn't get to finish painting these.
Trail Boss
Difficult target, Diminutive, (nolegs/fast) Marksman1, Reptiloid,
(17) Leader 2, Reactive 34
Claws 1 Zap Pistol
(3) 3
Ssid Difficult
target, Diminutive, (nolegs/fast) Marksman1, Reptiloid, (17)
Claws 1 Zap Pistol
(3) 3
Difficult target, Diminutive, (nolegs/fast) Marksman1, Reptiloid,
Claws 1 Zap Pistol
(3) 3
Difficult target, Diminutive, (nolegs/fast) Marksman2, Reptiloid,
(17) Tough 31
Claws 1 Submachine
gun (4) 6
Difficult target, Diminutive, (nolegs/fast) Marksman1, Reptiloid,
(17) Medic2 Tech2 Robotech2 35
Claws 1
mercenary, Marksman (2)
Martial arts (1) Reactive, Tough, 27
Plasma pistol, damage 4 Kevlar jacket jacket Torso 2
Heavy blaster (6) 8
kevlar jacket 6 14
Total 200
Really please that RPE took up the Critical Mass range. These are the civvy/mercs. I'm very, very tempted to get the military. Come the next sale!
Cyborgs. Original style Skaro model.
Bionic eyes 4 Combat
computer 4 8
Laser pistol (4)
mounted variable, 7
Black Dalek
Artificial, Fire into melee, Leadership1, Marksman2 Reactive, Tough1
Bionic eyes 4 Combat
computer 4 8
Laser pistol (4)
mounted variable, 7
sub-commander Artificial, Fire into melee Leadership1 Marksman2
Reactive, Tough1 46
Bionic eyes 4
Laser pistol (4)
mounted variable, 7
Artificial, Marksman1 Tough1 24
Bionic eyes 4
Laser pistol (4)
mounted variable, 7
Science Red Dalek
Artificial, Leadership1 Marksman1 Tech3 Robotech 3 Tough1 48
Bionic eyes 4
Laser pistol (4)
mounted variable, 7
Redtop Tech Dalek
Artificial, Marksman1 Tech2 Robotech 2 Tough1 36
Intrusion kit 4
Bionic eyes 4
Laser pistol (4)
mounted variable, 7
Dalek force
Blacktop & 4 Drones. 198
Tony took the Astagar. Nnancii zooms ahead.
"They're out there, I can smell 'em"
Sneaking, quietly slalking.
Ogron goes down. Hurt, but not out.
Ssyd knocked down, then exterminated. Dalek teamwork.
Daleks looking good!
Dugee goes for a shot - jammed gun! Tech!
Lining up shot, even some cover.
Gun sorted, Dugee takes out a drone.
The Ogron groans his way back up.
And aims, gets a head shot, takes out the Blacktop.
Trailboss heroically leading from the rear.
Ogron takes out a drone.
Medic goes to aid of Nnancii, gets her up &drags away.
Ogron advances.
Takes out another Drone from behind.
1 Dalek left, I'm done! And it had been going so well!
Game 2, half time change ends.
Astagar once again take the initiative, I push 'em down the centre.
Ogron again!
Damn, 11", good shot-.
A drone comes on using a reaction, giving the Ogron a target-.
Nnancii again.
Spaghetti Western film score here.
Ogron Down, he has been Exterminated!
Now its Ssyds turn!
When the hunter becomes the hunted.
Dalek down.
And another one!
The boss rolls a 1, gun jammed! Rushes out and grabs Ssyds.
And that's it, Daleks broken-.
Not sure how I'm going to upgrade the Daleks-.
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