Ok, I admit this is a
crap map, but it does the deed. I diced for between-movement
distances with a D4 on the kings road and 2D4 the rest. We used the
parent Flying Lead as we didn't need the more involved Flashing
Quick chat on
scenery. Note my old wattle & daub, thatched buildings
looking right here. As they're meant to be Vietnamese just shows how
universal such builders were. The cloth is my Mars one, painted,
that didn't work too well. There was a recent article on a clever
chap who bought a cloth and chalk to make a convention groundsheet
from scratch. Chalk, so simple, although not the easiest thing to
find in the highstreet. I got a pack of large (only ones I could
find) pavement chalks for £1. I think you'll see more use.
There are 3 sides,
the raiders, militia and angry locals. I worked through the pirate
raiders. These are Q5 (held back by cattle & captives) for each
hour I rolled 3D6, each 5&6 was a success allowing the party to
move forward. This group I decided would keep to the rough middle
ground. A simple notation keeps track say J1-3 and rote J-K 1-3. So
I now had the complete track plotted. I knew where they had rested
or had problems and (should) stop overnight at H.
The locals.
People come, go, move and act as they will. So the exact number who
actually complete the race will be decided upon the event. Lets
invent the local nobs, the De Vience family, who came over with
William for the days sport and decided to stay for a bit. Naturally
they have an aire Squire Eustace De Vience, one to the army, Major
Husting De Vience and one to the church, the Reverent Ignatious De
Vience . Among the captives will be a niece or, more likely a ward
Miss Angelica Short Cummings.
Militia. A good
all-round term. Such coastal towns usually kept a quick reaction
force on hand, there will still Barbary pirates, smugglers and
revolting natives requiring a firm hand. These will be ready to go a
(D3) short while after the alarm has been raised. As for the nature-
A crack squad of
hunters, Q3, mounted infantry.
Mounted Dragoons Q4,
note only the Kings Road is suitable for cavalry, who make double
time along it.
County Militia
infantry, part timers doing their service.
A combination. D3
bases of militia infantry, D6 of Dragoons for use as scouts, 2D6
The Game. We
decided on the latter. I diced for the officer (cautious, competent,
rash) and got rash. So the dragoons set of on the Kings road at a
cracking pace. They set up an ambush at Cabot village.
The locals set a slow
pace arriving 6 turns after the pirates.
Tony set up a
dismounted ambush in the heart of the village and a mounted just
I came on slow – in
fact NEVER have we had a game with so many turnarounds. Most
movement was reaction based-. We nearly forgot about the locals, and
when they started tpo arrive they just-stopped.
My initial probe met
the ambush and the lead was knocked down (where he stayed, probably
got away at the end-)
Tony mounted and did a
short, sharp charge, killing one (a 6:1 gruesome death) knocking down
one and pushing back another. I got in a few lucky shots (I'd
deliberately pruned the number of guns) I killed the sergeant and
unhorsed the officer. That reduced him to individual movements,
which gave me the opportunity for more reactions. I got another
This was the turning point. The officer was down and isolated. I sent in a couple of pirates in, but he cut 'em down in one go. He could then resume command. If he'd lost, I'd have won as Tony would have no commanders left. The 2 pennies represent the figure is unloaded.
Then the locals turned
up in a very slow trickle. That stopped my outflanking move and a
trooper (probably trying to link up) cut down another pirate from
behind. Outnumbered & surrounded this lot surrendered.
Now the officer was
back on is 'orse he managed to rally the troops and pushed hard. I
got my captain away and nearly the captives. Tony pushed through the
straggle in the centre and captured the captives and loot.
I would have got about
½ the rest away but didn't have enough for offensive action.
Worked well. The
campaign approach gave each side a reason to be there and why. The
choice of dragoon officer was probably the most telling. A cautious
leader would probably have found then then followed. A more “ by
the book” would have scouted and probably set up an ambush at the
farm at G or H.
I retreat after first contact |
I start to envelope- |
Captives & loot move away from trouble |
Sergeant is down! |
First charge |
Dragoons regroup and press on |
First of locals turn up, standoff. |
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