Thursday, 24 March 2016

OGAM Achaean Greeks to Dragon Rampant

An unusual post, this. I'm going through my Achaean Greeks (of which I have a few) to organise some comparison games of Dragon Rampant and King of War.

I'm doing this in reverse, as I'm geared up for OGAM, which is a far superior, simpler, faster product than either of the new games, which are aimed at those familiar with other mainstream games.

Here are specific Dragon Rampant forces for Pan or Artemis, Pallas Athene, Hades and Ares. Each has a core of “mundane” units, which are the ones who take up the space. To these I add the “specials”. Finally I have the unattached to allow further choice.

Pan or Artemis (the “countryside alliance”)

Pan Bellicose foot reduced unit 12-1 6
Attack 5+ Attack value 3+
Move 6+ Defence value 6+
Courage 4+ Max move 4”
Armour 2 Strength 12
Fear courage tests from being attacked -1
Wild charge when in range can only be given attack order.
Counter charge vs foot, an attack on 7+, meet in middle.
As Commander Goader one unit 6” automatically moves per turn

Artemis reduced light missiles 12-1 6
Attack 7+ Attack value 6+
Move 6+ Defence value 5+
Shoot 4+ Shoot value 5+ Range 9”
Courage 4+ Max move 6”
Armour 2 Strength 12
Sharp shooter
As Commander Sky Darkener one unit within 6” automatically shoots per turn

a) Centaur heavy riders 4
Attack 5+ Attack value 4+
Move 5+ Defence value 5+
Courage 4+ Max move 5”
Armour 3 Strength 6
Counter charge an attack on 7+, meet in middle.

b) Centaur light riders with javelins 3
Attack 7+ Attack value 5+
Move 5+ Defence value 6+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value 5+ Range 3”
Courage 5+ Max move 6”
Armour 3 Strength 6
Skirmish ½ move & shoot 7+, all shooting-1
Evade skirmish on attacking unit ½ move & shoot 7+, all shooting-1 no closer than 3”
Attacker then makes move, if contacts skirmishers armour reduced to 1.
If evade fails, no move or shoot, armour reduced to 1.

c) Centaur archers 4
Attack 7+ Attack value 5+
Move 5+ Defence value 6+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value 5+ Range 6”
Courage 5+ Max move 6”
Armour 3 Strength 6
Skirmish ½ move & shoot 7+, all shooting-1
Evade skirmish on attacking unit ½ move & shoot 7+, all shooting-1 no closer than 3”
Attacker then makes move, if contacts skirmishers armour reduced to 1.
If evade fails, no move or shoot, armour reduced to 1.

d) Large Cyclops reduced heavy archers 12-2 with weighty missiles 3
Attack 7+ Attack value 6+
Move 6+ Defence value 5+
Shoot 7+ Shoot value 4+ Range 6”
Courage 4+ Max move 3”
Armour 2 Strength 12

e,f) Cyclops 2 units mixed light infantry (fighters & missiles) 5
Attack 6+ Attack value 5+
Move 5+ Defence value 4+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value 5+ Range 6”
Courage 4+ Max move 4”
Armour 2 Strength 12

g) Satyr bellicose foot 4
Attack 5+ Attack value 3+
Move 6+ Defence value 6+
Courage 4+ Max move 4”
Armour 2 Strength 12
Ranger normal stats in rough terrain
Fleet footed normal move in rough terrain

h,i) 1 unit Satyr archers or- 4
Attack 7+ Attack value 6+
Move 6+ Defence value 5+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value 5+ Range 9”
Courage 4+ Max move 6”
Armour 2 Strength 12

2 units Satyr skirmishers 2 each
Attack 7+ Attack value 6+
Move 5+ Defence value 6+
Shoot 7+ Shoot value 5+ Range 6”
Courage 5+ Max move 4”
Armour 1, 2 vs shoot only within 6”Strength 6
Fleet footed normal move in rough terrain
Skirmish ½ move & shoot 7+, all shooting-1
Evade skirmish on attacking unit ½ move & shoot 7+, all shooting-1 no closer than 3”
Attacker then makes move, if contacts skirmishers armour reduced to 1.
If evade fails, no move or shoot, armour reduced to 1.

j) Dryads, reduced unit heavy archers 12-6 7
Attack 7+ Attack value 6+
Move 6+ Defence value 5+
Shoot 7+ Shoot value 4+ Range 9”
Courage 4+ Max move 3”
Armour 2 Strength 12
No ranged attacks except spells. Can be seen during attacks
Cannot be passed through.

Druid Reduced mixed light infantry 1:12 9
Attack 6+ Attack value 5+
Move 5+ Defence value 4+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value 5+ Range 9”
Courage 4+ Max move 4”
Armour 2 Strength 12

This army can be split in 2 by adding some of the extras bellow.
God 6
Heavy centaurs 4
Centaur javelin 3
Centaur archers 4
Large cyclops 3
Cyclops mixed 5
Cyclops mixed 5
Satyr bellicose foot 4
Satyr archers 4 or 2 skirmishers
Dryads 7
Druid 9

Pallas Athene reduced elite foot 6-1 6
Attack 5+ Attack value 3+
Move 5+ Defence value 4+
Courage 3+ Max move 3”
Armour 4 Strength 6
Ranger no reduction for terrain

Odysseus reduced elite foot 6-1 8
Attack 5+ Attack value 3+
Move 5+ Defence value 4+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value 5+ Range 9”
Courage 3+ Max move 3”
Armour 4 Strength 6
As commander Commanding may reroll failed move, attack or shoot within 6” once per turn

a&b) light infantry spear 5
Attack 4+ Attack value 5+
Move 5+ Defence value 4+
Courage 4+ Max move 4”
Armour 2 Strength 12

c&d) light infantry with javelin 6
Attack 4+ Attack value 5+
Move 5+ Defence value 4+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value 5+ Range 3”
Courage 4+ Max move 4”
Armour 2 Strength 12
Offensive & Javelin

e&f) light archers/slingers 4
Attack 7+ Attack value 6+
Move 6+ Defence value 5+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value 5+ Range 9”
Courage 4+ Max move 6”
Armour 2 Strength 12

Athene 9
Odysseus 8
Light infantry 5
Light infantry 5
Light infantry javelin 6
Light infantry javelin 6
Light archers 4
Light archers 4

Hades reduced elite infantry reduced elite foot 6-1 10
Attack 5+ Attack value 3+
Move 5+ Defence value 4+
Courage 3+ Max move 3”
Armour 4 Strength 6
Fear courage tests from being attacked -1
Ranger no reduction for terrain
Flyer fly over any, no closer than 3”
No cover.
Retreat full move.

Grateful Dead Hero reduced elite infantry reduced elite foot 6-1 10
Attack 5+ Attack value 3+
Move 5+ Defence value 4+
Courage 3+ Max move 3”
Armour 4 Strength 6
Ranger no reduction for terrain
Fear courage tests from being attacked -1
Never battered, ignore fear.
Round casualties up, not down
Mystical Armour every strength point lost, roll D6, if 6, ignore loss
As commander Brutal any unit 6” autotatically rally with loss of 1

Summoner, summons undead or creature units within 3” and/or 1.5” of enemy
Reduced skirmisher 6-1 4
Attack 7+ Attack value 6+
Move 5+ Defence value 6+
Summon 6+
Courage 5+ Max move 4”
Armour 1, 2 vs shoot only within 6” Strength 6
Fleet footed normal move in rough terrain

a) Skeleton light spear 5
Attack 4+ Attack value 5+
Move 5+ Defence value 4+
Courage 0+ Max move 4”
Armour 2 Strength 12
Never battered, ignore fear.
Round casualties up, not down

b) skeleton bellicose foot 4
Attack 5+ Attack value 3+
Move 6+ Defence value 6+
Courage 0+ Max move 4”
Armour 2 Strength 12
Wild charge when in range can only be given attack order.
Counter charge vs foot, an attack on 7+, meet in middle.
Never battered, ignore fear.
Round casualties up, not down

c) skeleton light archers 4
Attack 7+ Attack value 6+
Move 6+ Defence value 5+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value 5+ Range 9”
Courage 0+ Max move 6”
Armour 2 Strength 12
Never battered, ignore fear.
Round casualties up, not down

Hydra reduced elite infantry reduced elite foot 6-1 11
Attack 5+ Attack value 3+
Move 5+ Defence value 4+
Courage 3+ Max move 3”
Armour 4 Strength 6
Ranger no reduction for terrain
Venemous any Attack died rolling 6 does 2 damage
Fear courage tests from being attacked -1

Hades 10
Hero 10
Summoner 4
Light spear 5
Bellicose foot 4
Light archers 4
Hydra 11

Ares Bellicose foot reduced unit 12-1 6
Attack 5+ Attack value 3+
Move 6+ Defence value 6+
Courage 4+ Max move 4”
Armour 2 Strength 12
Wild charge when in range can only be given attack order.
Counter charge vs foot, an attack on 7+, meet in middle.
Mystical Armour every strength point lost, roll D6, if 6, ignore loss

a) Myrmidons bellicose foot 4
b) Thracians bellicose foot 4
c) Amazons bellicose foot 4
Attack 5+ Attack value 3+
Move 6+ Defence value 6+
Courage 4+ Max move 4”
Armour 2 Strength 12
Wild charge when in range can only be given attack order.
Counter charge vs foot, an attack on 7+, meet in middle.

light infantry, javelins 6
Attack 4+ Attack value 5+
Move 5+ Defence value 4+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value 5+ Range 3”
Courage 4+ Max move 4”
Armour 2 Strength 12
Offensive & Javelin

Chariots, reduced heavy cavalry 6-3 7
Attack 5+ Attack value 4+
Move 5+ Defence value 5+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value 5+ Range 6”
Courage 4+ Max move 5”
Armour 4 Strength 6
Counter charge an attack on 7+, meet in middle.

Achilles Bellicose foot reduced unit 12-1 6
Attack 5+ Attack value 3+
Move 6+ Defence value 6+
Courage 4+ Max move 4”
Armour 3 Strength 12
Shiny Armour
Wild charge when in range can only be given attack order.
Counter charge vs foot, an attack on 7+, meet in middle.
As commander Boneshaker one unit 6” passes attack order (not wild charge) per turn.

Ares 6
Myrmiddons 4
Thracians 4
Light infantry jav 6
Chariots 7
Achilles 6

Spare troops

Kohen the Barbarian reduced elite foot 6-1 6
Attack 5+ Attack value 3+
Move 5+ Defence value 4+
Courage 3+ Max move 3”
Armour 4 Strength 6
Ranger no reduction for terrain
As commander Formidable, attacking/defending can reroll 2 failed dice

Light slingers 4
Attack 7+ Attack value 6+
Move 6+ Defence value 5+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value 5+ Range 9”
Courage 4+ Max move 6”
Armour 2 Strength 12

3 units hordes 1
Attack 7+ Attack value 6+
Move 6+ Defence value 6+
Courage 5+ Max move 6”
Armour 1 Strength 12

any of these can be split into 2 units of scouts, although I've found these useless-.

Mixed unit light infanty/bow 5
Attack 6+ Attack value 5+
Move 5+ Defence value 4+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value 5+ Range 6”
Courage 4+ Max move 4”
Armour 2 Strength 12

Unit light infantry spear 6
Attack 4+ Attack value 5+
Move 5+ Defence value 4+
Courage 4+ Max move 4”
Armour 2 Strength 12

2 units light infantry javelin
Attack 4+ Attack value 5+
Move 5+ Defence value 4+
Shoot 6+ Shoot value 5+ Range 3”
Courage 4+ Max move 4”
Armour 2 Strength 12
Offensive & Javelin

One major-or change, I'm using CD movement trays for most units, also gives a slight gap as opposed to the gaping maw given in the  rules.

Mixed foot, Myrmiddons & skellies

Light spear  & javelins, Oddyseus & Thracians

Chariots & archers

Archers, slingers Dryads & light javelin

Monday, 21 March 2016

Southpaws Ambush in Southpark

Hello playmates! Sorry for delay in posting, life keeps throwing large lumps at me which gets in the way of wargaming. I know! Still. We first started using these PAU vehicles in Jan & April 2014. Not quite finished yet, need new wheels. 2 years, not bad.

Ganesha's site is down and I didn't have time to worry too much so I used “prior knowledge” to run the game without bothering with points.
I've just added stowage, managed to drop whole force-

A quick look at the forces.
PAU 2 patrol cars armed with missiles (indirect, stationary) and plasma gun (direct move n shoot) command car with HMG with AP ammo. 2 trucks with nothing. The patrol would have a mounted section or APC as normal.

Southpaws, scout section walkers one each missile, indirect, railgun direct long range and plasma direct short range. Like its opposition would normally have an attached APC or IFV, or those nice heavy suits or skimmers.

The Game
I set up a road network, added ruins. I found the bits of scourers I'd painted for my bamboo attempts. I think they work. I envisage a mix of stone & wood buildings that burned well. I added a few wrecks. Note to self, need more wrecks and craters.

I came in on the lower section, the patrol vehicles are off-road capable but the lorries aren't. That makes the flyover (different from my first one, a bit steep-). I proceeded, sending a (patrol)car forward. Tony used a reaction to thump it with a missile, stunning it.

That forced me to a halt, so I started to “waddle” my tail end charlie over the road onto the rough. Tony decided to use his close-in plasma armed vehicle to draw fire. This worked well, the middle lorry was thumped, crew bailed out. My command car and patrol car stunned!

That allowed his railgun scout to cross my path and begin stalking over the flyover to roll me up. But I managed to get my car up n running and thump his scout with a missile. Brewed it, but the crew escaped (another use for the excellent unarmed special forces).

My lead car suffered another missile hit, brewing it. Time to go! I managed to get a truck away but the railgun brewed my patrol car and my command car got it stopping to pick up the first lorry crew.

A good, fast little game.

My shadow basing technique 

This isn't a wtreck its waiting for wheels!

I've  several of these, added GZG missiles to the pylons & a nose gun

Add caption

A penny, destroyed pompom & stuffing

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Dragon Rampant first game

Astute readers such as your honoured selves will realise that this a continuation of our King of War/Hordes of The Things test of 3rd January 2016. I've recreated the terrain and used the same troops.
This, in turn is a much simplified version of our other January game  OGAM  gets wet, that I'd advise you to peruse.

Goblin light foot 3
Goblin light missiles 4
Spiders lesser warbeasts 4
Oni greater warbeasts 8
Spiders heavy riders 4
Total 23

Spearmen light foot 3
light foot javelin 4
skeleton light foot 3
archers 4
Satyr & amazon scouts 2
Chariots heavy riders 6
Total 23

pre-game test
On our 3x3 board this gave us a near edge-to-edge game. Although a 3x2 table would have speeded up the process. We halved movement & shooting and started with 1” seperation that soon got ignored completely.

First thoughts.

No playsheet. The reference sheet is useless. And needing a flowchart-.

YougoIgo, we've been spoilt, the idea that I can make a brew while my opponent moves-.

So many fiddly pluses. We are used to the simple and elegant Ganesha method, this felt “clunky”.

Slow, one complete turn for both of us saw one movement.

Dice, rolling 12 we kept getting the same result.

Using reduced units-doesn't feel right, they don't occupy the same frontage and makes it annoying.

In conclusion, after comparing Dragon Rampant, Hordes of The Things and Kings Of War the winner is OGAM, which gives a faster, better balanced and simpler game.

The Game.

Tony won the initiative, couldn't find it in the rules so I placed unit 6”in, then Tony's Japanese.

It took ages to get troops to move by which time all cohesion was gone.

On my right Tony got his Oni's up and into my spear, a ding gong battle which I finally lost. At one stage I did get my chariots to charge them, but I bounced off with no casualties.

On the other flank his heavy spiders crashed into my javelins – I couldn't get them to throw. I eventually got my skirmishers into the temple, then Tony got his beast to charge and wipe them out.

Back to my right we finally got the archers in range of each other and managed one shot each in the entire game.

On the left it was skeletons vs goblins and I actually broke the unit. By this time the Oni had demolished the spears to one.
I conceded as Tony was in possession of the objective and I had nothing to push him out with.

Slow, clunky and annoying. We may try again.

The pen marks the original 6" deployment

The pompom represents a casualty on this reduced unit

We used 2 cups, 1 with 6, 1 with 12 dice in for speed.  Memsaab was a military observer