Many moons ago I made these vehicles for my big Yorkshire game. I also worked out the cultists but never used them.
I'm tempted to get the newer versions
of Space 1899, but lack of a group of players stays my hand and
steadies me wallet.
Te worm Cult is intriguing. I'm
envisioning a Martin version of the Thugees. Plus, I'd bought
Alternative Armies worms on sale-. As I did with a second batch of
cultists, who are a useful “generic” infantry. And there's a new worm coming out soon-.
Here the Cultists and their fetishes
have descended upon a village and burned it. A farm just outside the
village has yet to be attacked, can the forces of British Imperialism
save the day?
British Relief Force
Captain 54
Charabang + 6 MI 384 x 3 = 1152
Truck + 14 constables & Officer 916
2 Tankettes with MG 134
+41 Flamethrower
Specialist +5
Leader +15
Big Worm
Points 110
Quality 3+
Combat 6
Armored +3 (Medium),
Small Worm Points 58 Quality 3+
Combat 3 CQB Specialist, Running Blow, Stealth
The Cult.
1 Big Worm 110
5 Small Worms 290
47 Cultists 2,184
I leader, 1 Specialist, 2 Flamethrowers
Total 2,284
The Game. Nasty Cultist destroying property!
Tony emplaced his in and around the village.
Adiecate turns up for an interview, now you KNOW it's going down!
I steam on, mostly using the odd, clawed reaction. So- f'ing SLOW!
Tony's amble about, admire the scenery, have a brew.
I race for the only cover at the speed of a dyslexic snail.
"We are not worthy!"
Fanatics charge me, my professional soldiers scarper out of the back!
Note how far Tony's cultists have moved compared to mine!
The farm is not saved-
SOP, form up flank to a vehicle.
The first charabang is left to its fate, but the section recovers and forms up. Confidence is high.
A short exchange of fire and they break again!
Tankette vs Flamethrowers and Grorious Leader, Adiecate gets in way-.
I've done it! One deaded leader. Tony's morale on the far side collapses. Oh good, not this lot, then?
Infantry move in to mop up!
Tony's infantry over the green goes. Note how far I've got!
But I get pushed back
"Big worm with jaws, 3 rounds rapid!"
Right at the end I get my last, largest, unit on. They line up.
That was it, I barely made it on the board, didn't save the farm but I did kill worms and their leader.