This is why I love
these rules.
I can pinpoint exactly when the plan crashed.
So we
did a couple of games based around a bit of a town like Wimborne in
the UK.
We started with an armoured car robbery.
The bad guys got
away, one trooper had his outline painted in a hail of lead.
Frank's mob ram an armoured car right in front of the
cop on the doughnut run.
Frank leaps out of the front, grenade
launcher to ready – click, a one!
So there he is, out in front with
a useless weapon. Deputy 2ic sniper gets 2 activations so Frank end
up with an extra hole in his head, a 6:1 no less, a gory death. So
that's bit of a morale test, then. All pass!
But the element of
surprise is lost, the driver's taking fire so everyone piles back in.
One trooper had got near, so she hops up onto the barrier and lets
loose with her shotgun at no range into a crowded, open vehicle. Two
dead and a third wounded. Driver panics, goes into reverse and slams
into a building. Score one for law and order. You have to play
with, not against, to get the best from these rules.
Here are the what?
Warbands, gangs, concepts? Nothing big but enough to have fun with.
Sometimes a force like this is spawned by a figures range, a vehicle
find or some inspiration. I look for one to complement another. You
need an antagonist for your protagonist. I don't expect you to
replicate these forces exactly, but rather to take inspiration, go
“aaaaaaah” a lot. Plot, scheme. With your version of these
forces, you can take over the world!
Here's local Sheriff
Mediumarch and his deputies. As we all know, any alien not choosing
Cardiff will land in a small American community. The odd monster or
zombie outbreak will occur at regular intervals.
The Vehicles
Frank's Gang all Q3 C3

The Old Indian Burial
Ground farm.
These are a
selection from GZG's armed colonists, security and specialist packs*.
The wee doggy is from Museum Miniatures. Kit limits their range, but
I feel up to using them on a colony world. There's just over £3
worth here. Khurasan does several versions from the 1920's upwards,
including British that I aught to get so they can annoy UNIT.
trawled the local toy shops and scoured what I could find of my
collection for a good selection of vehicles. As these cost about £1
you've a total of £10. Painting took a few hours spread over a
The White (duster) Coat
Wild Bunch.
Frank, he's the tall
chap with very blue eyes, and company have seen service as VSF
nasties to the wayward crew of a freetrader called the Hornet. If
you need to be told the inspiration, you're either too young or no
wargamer! In contrast to the above, these guys have taken a few
years to assemble from Khurasan (free trader crew supplied Frank) The
Store and GZG. The converted military cargo hauler was a present
from Matt Hay many years ago and I think was part of the old
Laserburn range that is now produced by Can I just say
that I didn't get to boldly go to where I am today without mixing a
few metaphors.
The Posse all Q3 C1
(A) Sheriff Mediumarch,
Leader, Semi auto rifle with scope, Pistol, Handcuffs, Danger sense
(B) Specialist, Pistol,
Commo, Handcuffs @36 (driver, radio or drone controller)
(C) Deputy, Rifle,
Pistol, Sniper, 2ic, Handcuffs @106
(D) Specialist dog
handler, driver, Heavy Pistol, Crackshot, Handcuffs @46
(E,F,G) Trooper,
Shotgun, Pistol, Crackshot, handcuffs @60
Specialist/Forensics/Medic, Pistol, Handcuffs, @36
Ralph Q4 C3, Cbt fiend,
Eager, Dashing, Junglecraft, Long move, @ 83
You could make the
handler 2ic, as once dog deployed at least part of the force is then
tasked with support. I count handle and dog as one activation as
with heavy weapons team.
The Vehicles
Tracked Overlanders. I can see these providing long term support – a mobile cop-shop for a small number. Q4 C1, Armoured+1, Off road, wide tracks, 6 passengers, @47
SWAT van, Thin armour, 6 passengers, @41
Cruiser. Standard cop-car. Q4, C1, Normal move, 3 passengers @ 24
Pursuit vehicle, faster version. Q4, C1, Long move, 3 passengers, @39
The Posse on a bad day
(When the bad guys guns never empty, any hit or bump sends a car
flying and exploding, plus they cannot hit or stop anything)
The Mook Posse all Q3 C1
(A) Sheriff Mediumarch,
Leader, Semi auto rifle with scope, Pistol, Handcuffs, Danger sense
(B) Specialist, Pistol,
Commo, Handcuffs, Mook @33 (driver, radio or drone controller)
(C) Deputy, Rifle,
Pistol, 2ic, Handcuffs @91
(D) Specialist dog
handler, Mook, driver, Pistol, Poor shot, Handcuffs @30,
(E,F,G) Trooper, Mook,
Shotgun, Pistol, Poor shot, handcuffs @44
Specialist/Forensics/Medic, Mook, Pistol, Poor shot, Handcuffs, @30
Ralph Q4 C3, Mook,
Dashing, Junglecraft, Long move, @ 74
Frank's Gang all Q3 C3
Frank Leader, Grenade
Launcher grenade cbt3, move @ shoot, Long. Hero, bodyarmour, cbt
fiend, Strong @160
(U) Mr Red Heavy
Pistol, Body armour, CQB, Crackshot @ 64
(V) Mr Yellow 2ic, SMG,
Pistol, Body armour, CQB, Crackshot, Jungle craft, @134
(W) Mr Blue Shotgun,
Pistol, Body armour, CQB, Crackshot, slippery @100
(X) Mr Brown, Semi auto
Rifle & scope, Sniper, Pistol, Body armour, CQB, Climber @114
(Y) Miss Black, Machine
Pistol, Pistol, Body armour, CQB, Specialist, Dashing @88
(Z) Mr White Pistol,
Knife, Smoke/flashbang Grenades, Body armour, CQB, Chucker,
combatfiend, stealth, weapons expert @120
Vehicle, Q3 C3,
Armoured +1, Long, Off road, 9 passengers, @120
I'm not going to do
grades of this lot. They either be themselves, or if they can't
they're pirates
*Jon's packets these in
2 each of 4 sculpts. These provide an excellent opportunity for
headswapping and a good stock can soon be drafted into service as I
did with the cops above. I have a plan to do both an UNSC and
Japanese boarding/ground assault party with added specialists.
Lhurggs. These, in my
opinion, are one of the best-buy alien infiltrators. I have used
them as mercenaries working for a Dai-Oni vs Japanese warrior monks
(Flashing Blades), perfect for VSF.
Chieftain/Hero/Leader Q4 C3, Machine pistol, Poor shot, cbt fiend, long move @128
Warrior Q5, C3, Machine pistol, long move, poor shot, @35
You could make 'em into a nice Battlesworn force, say-
Mutant as Tank/Shooter or Warmage 2
Chief as Brute/Leader 2
5 Warriors as fighters 5
3 Warriors asshooters 3 About 3/4 of the page down.
Mutant. This is a big boy, a good boy, do you want to talk pure animal magnetism?
Q5 C4, body armour, Heavy machinegun, cbt fiend, poor shot, short move, strong, @132Chieftain/Hero/Leader Q4 C3, Machine pistol, Poor shot, cbt fiend, long move @128
Warrior Q5, C3, Machine pistol, long move, poor shot, @35
You could make 'em into a nice Battlesworn force, say-
Mutant as Tank/Shooter or Warmage 2
Chief as Brute/Leader 2
5 Warriors as fighters 5
3 Warriors asshooters 3
Watch this space, I'm
planning to “upgrade” this force with some matchbox “acquired
technicals” mounting unaimable rocket launchers. The sort of low
grade merc's you'd drop into the sticks to draw off regular forces
away from the real incursion forces. Now who would employ
mercenaries like these?
Strange sightings reported and the inhabitants have not
been seen, missed appointments.
So the Posse goes in-.
3 boards, the road turning, farm (opposite) and the burial ground.
Made lots of use of nearly finished matchbox vehicles.
Ended with slowest "drive by" shooting in history!
3 boards, the road turning, farm (opposite) and the burial ground.
Made lots of use of nearly finished matchbox vehicles.
Ended with slowest "drive by" shooting in history!