The good news- I'm getting a lot more gaming done these days. Takes up most of 3 days.
Other news - Beachhead is looming on the horizon and I need to pull my wotsit and get ahead.
Meanstwhile, all my focus has to be narrowed. I have to avoid the temptation of a MOUND of stuff in the Needs sorting awaiting basing pile.
Thus all things Martian will dominate - unless someone else does the work!
Scenery is improving with each use! Bulk, and ruminants, from Brigade. Just (superglue just dry) awning Beuda, as is the bits, barrels and the outbuilding on the excellent Croms Anvil & building.
All on Warbases bases.
Militia Brave, reroll failed morale rolls. Total 198
A Tough,
steadfast weaponmaster3 Veteran 26 Total 46
2 primitive, long 2
dressed 3 4 Heavy 18
B Ambidextrous,
fast, Leader3 weaponmaster3 Stealth 44 Total 48
swords (2) primitive 4
F Marksman2
Steadfast 15 Total 24
Cbow (3) Reload, 2 hand. 3
armour (2) 6
J Marksman2
Steadfast 15 Total 24
Cbow (3) Reload, 2 hand. 3
armour (2) 6
K Ambidextrous,
weaponmaster2 16 Total 26
armour (2) 6
swords (2) primitive 4
Steadfast 21 Total 30
Cbow (3) Reload, 2 hand. 3
armour (2) 6
Militia Total 201. Cool under
fire 8 remove pins.
Leader2, Reactive, Weaponmaster2 Veteran 29. Total 49
2 Primitive. 2
dressed 3 4 Heavy 18
Reactive, Weaponmaster3 Veteran 20. Total 36
2 Primitive. 2
combat dressed 2, 3 14.
Spearmen weaponmaster2 6 Total 22
2 Primitive, Long. 2
combat dressed 2, 3, 14
Marksman 2, Tough, Reactive 25 Total 28
Cbow (3) Reload, 2 hand. 3
Tony takes the Laxus side and we both slide on.
Black dice is an attempt to keep track of turnovers.
My crossbow gets in an excellent position, but he's alone.
Here comes Pwince Wupert! He takes on a swordsman and wins.
Dog is sniffing around - there's something over there!
Crossbow shoots his bolt (they do that a lot) disk means unloaded.
Spearman turns up & they (being consenting adults) tussle.
Dog (movement diced for) finds a comfy spot in the field.
He'll never hit me at that distance behind this cover!
Licks tip of bolt.
Bolt meets head.
"Where did that come from"!
Happy doggy, unhappy livestock.
"Tall chap, armour, big flag - take a shot"
Turning into a right bundle.
Swordsman slides over the hedge and looms over crossbow. It's a lost art, looming. You just try looming and sneering at the same time! Dedication that is.
Leader down! Spearman down!
It's only an ear- he's back, up and looking for revenge!
That was it. Both leaders dead. Time to go home-.
And swords.
Boss rushes unloaded crossbow.
Leader vs leader!
Mine bites the dust.
Crossbow shoots Tony's leader. So that's both right off-.
Some effect on morale.
Crossbow hunting.
I have a line, dog has fun.
Heavy spearman holds the gap.
Relief! Shoot that bloody beast!
Poking from the side. Been there, felt that.
No. 2 for crossbow.
One for spearman.
On to the next!
All those deaths, no leader. mine retire.
Good games. Better, fussy scenery helps.
these games are just getting better all time ;-)