Monday 24 February 2020

RS The Expanse. Belter pirates attack Corporate base.

I love it when a game comes together.

The plot!  The Corporates and their Belter goons got away from Ceres and head for a remote base on Eros.

The base is taken from the Expanse RPG game and the map covers about half of it.

I have a large cutting mat.  I have chalk.  I have scatter bits.  Sorted.

Tony has the pirates & enters the main airlock, coming into the cargo bay then communal area.  Off of this is the living quarters given to the techs.  At the end of each there is a larger suite given to the team leaders.  Ahead is the labs and security station.

Placing.  The 4 security goons are split, 2 in barracks, rest in communal area.  Techs & 1 leader were diced at need.

Corporate Bert & Doris died last mission. 296 remaing.

B Professor Burns. Civilian, Medic3, Xenologist 1

C Madame Cynn. Leader 2 Martial Arts 2 Reactive* 16 +5 = 21

F Tech Flynn. Tech 3 12

G Tech Gail. Tech 3 12

H Tech Holly. Medic 3 Tech1 13

J Ripper Jaq Veteran, Marksman2, Weaponmaster3, Tough, Reactive. 40 Total 48
Kevlar Torso 2 3
Pistol 4 Short Range. 3
Bayonet 2 Primitive 2

K Kurt Marksman2 Weaponmaster3 Stealth1+1* Reactive. 29+3 Total 36
Pistol 4 Short Range.

Recruited security Hal & Lars died previous.

G Gutter Danger sense, Lightworlder, Leader1, Marksman2, Weaponmaster2. Reactive. 27 Total 39
Kevlar Torso 2 6
Pistol4 Short Range. 5
Knife 1 Primitive 1 (can be thrown)

M Mitch Lightworlder, Fast, Fire into Melee, Marksman 2 Reactive. 27 Total 32
Pistol 4 Short Range. 5

U Uber Lightworlder, Fast, Agile 3, Difficult Target, Marksman2. Reactive 32 Total 37
Pistol 4 Short Range. 5

Frank , (-Green*) Light worlder, Marksman Tech2 15 +8 Total 50
Light Combat Dress 2 3. 14
Assault Rifle 5 Automatic, 2 handed 8
Slug pistol 4 Short range. 5 27.

* They gained 16 in the last encounter. There’s no opportunity for new people.

Belter Pirates.  Total 200.
Blitzkreig. +2 initiative at start game. -1 to take initiative.

Bob Light worlder, Leader, Marksman, Fire into melee 18 Total 29
Kevlar jacket Torso 2 6
Slug pistol 4 Short range. 5 11

Cas Light worlder, Marksman Reactive, 12 Total 34
Light Combat Dress 2 3. 14
Assault Rifle 5 Automatic, 2 handed 8 22

Dak Light worlder, Tech, Medic Martial arts2 12Total 23
Kevlar jacket Torso 2 6
Slug pistol 4 Short range. 5 11

Fkyu Light worlder, Marksman2 Fire into melee, Tough, Reactive. 31 Total 53
Light Combat Dress 2 3. 14
Assault Rifle 5 Automatic, 2 handed 8 22

Gobber Light worlder, Marksman, Weaponmaster2 13 Total 35
Light Combat Dress 2 3. 14
Assault Rifle 5 Automatic, 2 handed 8 22

Bosun Higs Light worlder, Danger sense, Perceptive. Marksman, Weaponmaster 14 Total 26
Kevlar jacket Torso 2 6
SMG 4 Automatic. 6 12

The Game.  The pirates gain entry and gain the cargo bay.  I rolled reactions as triggered alarms.  Suffice to say the pirates did a good job of silencing these.

Alarm, (eventually) Pirate and goon stare at each other through the door.

Uber shoots Dak.  He goes down.  Then scarpers.

Bosun Higs opens up on Lars hiding behind the sofa, which proves less than bullet proof.

Dak is dragged out of the way and heals himself slowly.

Gutter gets wounded.  Damn those Ikea sofas!

Higs and Gobber (Salvage Solutions) get thumped by Uber.

Frank rushes up, shuts the door.  While the pirates lick their wounds the security gets the techs out of their rooms and moving towards the rear and safety.  This means I build up more counters, more reactions for the pirates.

Medic does medical things.

Madam Cynn moves quickly.

Nearly ready-.

There's always one!

Get through the hatch!

Mitch is the first to go down.

The techs are through--

That leaves the goons exposed (an offence in the eyes of the Legal Law) Burst of fire.  The results.  2 deaths!  That's a first for us!

The techs get through one door but are pursued and subdued rather violently--.

The pirates win with one OOA and the techs & Madame Cynn hostage.  So next time- what will become of them?


  1. They should have brought more grenades. 'Just sayin.

  2. Nice use of chalk map and scatter terrain!
