Got a sense of the ridiculous? Got- stuff?
Want a quick game, little set-up?
This is it. Longest time was doing the labels. You don't need labels, but they help.
This was our second game - first we used young Barry's Star Wars fighters. Great fun & it worked!
Games 2 & 3. I wanted something quick to do at Entoyment with no hassle- as I had all the Beachhead stuff packed and ready to go.
I pulled out a few chariots and bunged 'em inna box. 3 rocks I'd just finished but not going to use. Cotton wool, measures and counters. A chop stick. Sorted.
We assigned each a counter, these were pulled randomly each turn. A simple list helped us remember.
When we got there, this nice watery mat was available. That's the one on the table, not dear Matt Hay (who is hardly ever damp) my first steamed opponent & photygrafter on this day. Tony and I played a game, but his phone is rather full of pics so we decided to KISS.
The Starting Line. We had 4 each and alternated placing upon the starting line.
Matt Hydra Heavy Archer (Foundry - buy the Alternative Armies one)
Me Persephone Agile (Alternative Armies body & "horses" RPE charioteer, Rebel 'er)
Matt Undead Regular (Alternative Armies body, Irregular horses, 1/2 RPE beastman standard driver)
Me Achaean Regular (Old Glory)
Matt Undead Heavy (Irregular with Alternative Armies horse-swap)
Me Silenos (Beastman) Heavy Archer. (Khurasan)
Matt Manticore Archer (Alternative Armies)
Me Minos Taurus Heavy. (Museum Miniatures body, & bovines, Alternative Armies Senkoku bull head)
Mat - no idea. Rocks, Terrains for Wargames basic desert set. I had hoped for salted caramel, so added icing.
Quick note on rules: Good playsheet, but doesn't have the combat rules, which are good & simple. The passes & fails section covers most of it, giving benefits to closest like an automatic reaction. Then there's an out of control & collision tables. each type has benefits and/or drawbacks and you're away. By the time you're around the first bend, you're there!
Each of these pictures is the end of a move.
First- we start to pile up.

Persephone is stationary after being belted by the undead regular.

Persephone then runs into the Hydras arse (best way) having to go straight forward a short. And the field opens out.

My Silenos gets into a right state. We learned that crashing into a Hydra in not a wise thing. I am doing well. Persephone and the Silinos have crashes. Minos Taurus is at a standstill. But my Achaean is way out on the flank, hopefully safe!
The Hyda is in the lead - its a heavy, its slower---. But! Mine are up and moving!
I think these are a bit spread out! Still the Hydra is in the lead! Movement trays are mobs, a generated hazard.
My Achaean is forced into a mob and comes a crashing down. It's a tight squeeze!
Meep Meep! Pull Up! Meep Meep! Pull Up! Meep Meep! Pull Up! Can Persephone get there?
Look, that's MEEE! Hello! (I bough that & other fleeces from C&A's closing sale. They've shrunk over the tears) By Zeus I'm gorgeous.
Meanstwhile - The Hydra wins! But look, my heavy is storming up the outside, followed by the Manticore.
My Silenos has a series of spectacularly bad rolls.
And he's cutting through from the inside! Inquery!
Oooh, he's back and the race is on for last place!
Well that was quick-.
This is a real FUN game. Get it for your kids! Good club standby!
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