Saturday 3 August 2024

Fastus Furious Olympic selection, the Gods Race! The Fates ---


Crashes!  Shootings!  Gratuitous bum shots!  The spirit of the Olympics lives on!

Play, I beseech you, in the back.

Dearest reader.  Grab a cup of ambrosia and here, take a seat around the fire.  I am no Wanax to give gifts, nor am I a blind bard to regale you in heroic sagas.  Here is the tale told by one who was there.

The Start.  The gods were split into 3 random groups:

Ah the fates play such games.  Each four was blind picked.  Yet here are the four Goddesses arraigned.  Athena, Hera in shadowform, Apthrodite and Artemis.

The 3 - Ares in boar form, Pan, Hephaestus and Posideon.

Dionysus, Apollo, Hermes and Hades.

I'd thought that Tony had my Mediterranean/Eastern buildings but alas!  No.  Still I had Troy and here is the Gate, the winning post.  

I had intended this to be a co-operative game, each taking and playing a god in turn, so fast action and interaction.  Didn't happen quite like that.  I didn't get a chance to reread the rules,  so mistakes were made but in a consistent manner.

(I thoroughly recommend hay fever wipes from Poundland)

The following are mostly end-of-turn pics unless something picworthy happened.

Thus it was that the first was Hades, dark lord didst roll 3 fails, evoking the mob.

Apollo shoots Hermes and he crashes into the scenery, coming to a halt.

The tussle begins---.

The first crash.

Dionysus, drunk?

Artemis runs support for Hera, who gets all her pushes.

The brothers meet, never goes well.

They who follow The Bum.

Apollo runs fowl of the mob and scenery.

Athena is forced to take an outside tack.  Has the Queen of strategy gone wrong?

  So close - Artemis shoots Hermes and he crashes into the wall.

The crash 2.  Pan topples Aphrodite.

Athena and the mob - not good--.

So Close!  But 3 fails, a mob blocking the gate!

Artemis keeps shooting Hermes.

All this going -on allows Dionysus to slide forward.

Crash 3 - 

Hephaestus's turn to attract the mob.  Ares is getting jealous and confronts Aphrodite.

Apollo shoots Ares!

And again then runs ahead!

Artemis is so-close!

The gateway becomes an unholy scrum, one reaction forcing another in string chain reactions.  This was when my phone charger just wasn't doing the job!

So the race has been runned:

Hades vs Hera   Could be nasty, as her main weapons won't work!  I was going to rework the Hades list, but lets see! 

Hermes vs Dionysus  Not a match we ever considered! 

Poseidon vs Artemis  If Poseidon takes the defensive and gains a wet edge, thus releasing the Kraken--.

Aphrodite vs Pan  Considering the - incidents of the race--? 

Apollo vs Ares  With Apollo shooting Ares during the race? 

Athena vs Hephaestus  Another match we ever considered! 

Wot now?  The first named has to decide weather Attacker or Defender.  The Defender places the one piece of terrain and the Attacker  places the first unit.

Note- the defenders terrain pick is counted as an enemy unit for deployment even if unmanned.

With a 6x4 table and 4 players we can go through 4, or even 5, games a night, we can do grudge matches and "second league" using the losers in the same manner but with any unique legends or units replaced with generic Heroes. 

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