Monday 12 August 2024

Xenos Rampant. 15mm Quar No.2 The Western Arnyaran. The Merchants Militant.


Gun Houses, Iron Houses B,A,C.

Iron House B in an ambush position.  This could be a static support unit.

Dearest reader, I beseech you not to try and guess the human equivalent of Quar nations.  That leads to general malaise*, madness and insomnia. 

*Which is to say a generic French seaport, usually on the Mediterranean.

Old style trading caravans?  There are films of the old, central European circuses that ignored borders and often had a circuit, stopping in the same field or spot each time.

I remember the old, real gypsies who often camped just outside our village when I was in primary school.  They didn't go into the woods - those were the domain of the gamekeepers.  They lived off the hedgerows, eating (healthy diet) the "vermin", species the gamekeepers were glad to see culled.  Providing cloths pegs, small wood items, repairs to the local villages.  Recycling tin cans and anything else.  Happy to barter.  I think all they bought from the village shop was salt and tobacco.  The sites were usually improved by their stay rather than trashed like their modern counterpart.

The Arnyaran starter set includes: - Iron House A, Iron House C, Autocycle Squad(6 figures) and two squads of Rhyflers (20 figures).

I'm not going the whole hog on this one (said he-) do yer own work!  Open your book, please at page 32.  Recon, scouts, whatever.

Here you can go mad.  

Autocycle squad.  Any column of vehicles needs ATV scouts, just ask the Russians--.  If you've ever been in terrain and there's motorbikes, tigers or choppers around then the low frequency sound bounces around making exact locating very difficult.  You could make the squad a soft skin vehicle but I think that would "lose its flavour".  I see these as your yahoos tearing across the land making noise and being a complete nuisance.  Most would be green, non-green could call Fire Support IF you don't field the Iron House A on table.  You get 6, so you could do a team of 3 and use the rear mounted MG one as an anti sniper, possibly veteran?

Autocycle mounted snipers.  Not included with the starter, and only 3 per pack.  So if bought together you could field 3 units of 3, say 2 snipers and an anti-sniper.

Here's my take on the "basic" unit.  Green, so cannot skirmish.  I again nicked Mobile to add 2" to their move, balanced out by the -1 for being green.

2p Autocycle Scout  5


Move Free (5+) 6”

Attack 7+ Attack V 6+ Defence V 6+

Courage 5  Armour 1

Shoot 7+  5+ 6”

Firefight.  Mobile.  Green.

Hard target armour 2 vs shoot 6” only

Infantry.  The Arynaran are split into 2, the "more staid" could field absolutely bog standard poor light infantry:

3p  Noddfae LI 10  


Move Free (5+) 4”

Attack 6+ Attack V 5+ Defence V 4+

Courage 5  Armour 2

Shoot 6+  6+ 9”

Firefight.  Go To Ground.  Undisciplined.

Guerrillas +1 armour in soft cover. 

The more outgoing faction, here I feel you are hitting the full recon selection, with at least half being green and only 1, the command, being veteran.

Gun House.  The basic, a small tank, I'll guess used to protect the larger, softer vehicles.

Iron House A.  A large infantry carrier with artillery.  If used off table give at least 1 unit fire support.

Iron House B.  Same vehicle but mounting several smaller guns in the turret.

Iron House C.  Smaller vehicle with one lower mounted (thus direct?) larger gun.

Iron Transport.  Used to transport troops and logistics, command vehicle?  Bristling with heavy MG's.

6p  Gun House FV  5


Move Free (6+) 4”

Attack 6+ Attack V 6+ Defence V 5+

Courage 3  Armour 6

Shoot 6+  5+ 9” 

All Terrain.  Anti tank, half armour.

Blades, attack/defend target armour -1

Line break. Green crew. Transport 5 

6p  Iron House A TV  5

Move Free (6+) 5” 

Attack 6+ Attack V 6+ Defence V 6+

Courage 4  Armour 5

Shoot 6+  4+ 24”

Spotter (allows Indirect)

3+ 24” 

Blades, attack/defend target armour -1

Trans 10p.  Green crew. 

Artillery. Indirect.

6p  Iron House B TV  5

Move Free (6+) 5” 

Attack 6+ Attack V 6+ Defence V 6+

Courage 4  Armour 5

Shoot 6+  5+ 6”

Area effect, tgt no cover bonus

Blades, attack/defend target armour -1

Trans 10p.  Green crew. 

4p  Iron House C TV  5

Move Free (6+) 5” 

Attack 6+ Attack V 6+ Defence V 6+

Courage 4  Armour 5

Shoot 6+  5+ 6”

-1 tgt armour.

Blades, attack/defend target armour -1

Trans 10p.  Green crew. Armour piercing

2p  Iron Transport TV  5

Move Free (6+) 5” 

Attack 6+ Attack V 6+ Defence V 6+

Courage 4  Armour 5

Shoot 6+  5+ 6”

-Anti Infantry

Blades, attack/defend target armour -1

Trans 10p.  Green crew.

So the starter pack gives you 2 vehicles and an autocycle unit for 12p, but you have to field 36p to use both vehicles.

A stab at Recon infantry.  With 20 I get 4x5 units for a max of 13.

A couple of support units will add about 12.

1p Recce Green  5


Move Free (5+) 4”

Attack 7+ Attack V 6+ Defence V 6+

Courage 5  Armour 1

Shoot 7+  5+ 6”

Firefight.   Green.

Hard target armour 2 vs shoot 6” only

6p   Spotter Recce  5


Move Free (5+) 4”

Attack 7+ Attack V 6+ Defence V 6+

Courage 5  Armour 1

Shoot 7+  5+ 6”

Fire Support - action.  If Iron House A offtable. 


Hard target armour 2 vs shoot 6” only

Skirmish 7+ move shoot 6+

2p   Reg. Recce   5


Move Free (5+) 4”

Attack 7+ Attack V 6+ Defence V 6+

Courage 5  Armour 1

Shoot 7+  5+ 6”

Firefight.  Mobile. 

Hard target armour 2 vs shoot 6” only

Skirmish 7+ move shoot 6+

4p   Vet. Recce   5


Move Free (5+) 4”

Attack 7+ Attack V 6+ Defence V 6+

Courage 5  Armour 1

Shoot 7+  5+ 6”

Firefight.  Mobile. 

Hard target armour 2 vs shoot 6” only

Skirmish 7+ move shoot as normal

The generic support weapon.  I'm indebted to James Manto for permission to use this pic from his post in FB's Quar Discussion.  There is also my own Quar UK page, aimed at the 15mm starter buyers like myself, which explains these articles..

The games shown are of a very high standard and I'm going to have to grab bootstraps and heave.

You can also take the vehicles above and declare Immobile as stationary defences.

Go Irregular useful guns plus the only WW1 truck I can find.

6p  Gen. Arty Support.  5

No Move 

Attack 0 Attack v 0  Defence V 5+

Courage 4 Armour 2

Shoot Free  (7+)  4+ 24” 

Spotter (allows Indirect)

3+ 24” 

Firefight.  Artillery.  Indirect.


If you put Land Train and similar, you can find several useful vehicles to print out.

These are very much "work in progress".  Don't ask where to find the files, I think a friend found them.

 Chunky one I'm going to use as an Iron House variant for autocycle transport.

I had some Blotz fences and a shed, plus their improvised ladder pack.  Another Iron Transport variant.

Another Iron Transport with added garden!  It was a slight misprint so I made it look like battle or collision damage.

The big one will be a command vehicle or civic offices/admin for their temporary towns.

The smaller gun houses are from Etsy, but the seller has ceased production.  The tracked vehicle was a lucky buy as it was the wrong size.

I use Warbases road/river sections for basing as I'll use the same for tracks. 


  1. Hello I am the designer of "Land Train" you can find the files here:

  2. Arnyara Doybin- The Painted Taru success of her Arnyara, emboldened by the surprise attack, continues to reclaim her ancestral lands across middle Alwyd. Columns of Iron Houses filled with the soldiers of the Foskyldae roll through Creevin, Leitrom and Maer Braech; Coftyr herself lies within the sights of the Arnyaran guns. Far beyond the battlefields, the Arnyaran caravansaries are still hard at work, gathering intelligence and sowing rumor, innuendo and outright lies from the backs of their wagons, all in service of their ancestors' demands for vengeance.""/>
