Tuesday 18 January 2022

Battle Valour Kickstarter. Open the Box! Wot I'll be doing in 2022-2222.

Everyone likes a box opening.  So lets get the wargame porn going!  5Kg and £20 postage, this is my heaviest & biggest (all- lead) ever.

The Adventurers Inn.  If you haven't ordered from BV before, they do bits & pieces better than everyone!  A cat, 2 different dogs - a nice potential Dr Who.  Main setup looks rather Western, particularly the huge piano, so I'm thinking steampunk.  Tables, chairs, benches and tons of bottles!

Some of the freebies - assorted wizards plus 18 (!) hellhounds (Venus or Mars?) and a rather nice handler who's headed for an Egyptian army.

Not sure what to do with this one.  I think she's got to be a Martian mounted nomad princess.

Lots of bits - including grain sacks, mills for use of!  Planks, churns, sacks and weapons.

Reptilians.  Scalians.  Mostly skirmish packs.  Plus here's command vs Alternative Armies.  Been collecting both to do 2 different armies.  Mostly for Venus, but the Alternative Army ones will match up against Sumerians!

Orcians.  Uruks.  Already got a fair number of these plus orcs/goblins from 

Splintered Light, RPE, Alternative Armies.

Biggest part of the parcel is the Camp.

Wagons, walls, figures, trolls, teepees, fires, a cat, riding boars.

Stone walls are really useful.

Love these, mounted drinking.  One with raised fist, ideal add-head conversion.

Another Ork King model.  The other is held aloft.  Back of wagon?

I think the lady is meant to be an Orkian seer.  I think she should be in the bar.  I got several captains and 2 hobgoblin chaptains.

I bought skirmish packs of axe, bow, berserkers, characters plus armoured, lightly armoured spear and archer cavalry.

I got wagons, including a coal wagon that's going to Mars.  An ore wagon - not sure, possibly Venus.

Meeting at the gnarled oak.More bits, including another cat!  Dismount of the not-Gandalf.  Cart pulled by a rhino--.  Ethiopian Queen aught to have a rhino powered chariot!?

Palisades.  Civilians, I used a pack of these for my Poole project so great to be able to single-mount.  Stakes, civilian females.  Monks.  Churns - that's steampunk, and 2 draft skeletal horses.  Another chariot coming up!

BV has an interesting take on chariots.  These 1 beast "light" are quite big.  They will fit in as as "mediums" betwix my Irregular war wagon and (mostly) Hittite normals.  Oxen pulled slow moving. 1 hero and several archers.

Pack of spear & bow goes with these.

I have a jungle elemental, character pack and general still to come, so these will go on the "back burner".

Got all back in - but not the teepee's!  That was some excellent packing!

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