Sunday 28 July 2024

A Box! Butlers Printed Models

 Lord but ye do love an unboxing!

I do confess that it's been since December since I've ordered.

What can I say, a 20% offer is hard to pass up

I'm looking to upgrade 2 specific areas:  Quar with enclosures, tentage and scatter.

Ah Venus.  I wanted the post mounted buildings.

Interesting packaging, all most lovely wrapped in good quality paper.  You get so used to ziplock bags!

Cannot fault the quality, neatness and skill!

Well worth a look, some interesting stuff from a conveyor belt to a Japanese/Korean temple.

Walled enclosures.  Some with pavement, some damaged.

Barriers and bits!

Roadblock. tower, 4 tents and back of lorry office.

More barriers and sandbags

Bread oven (objective!) scenic ruins and small building.

Small field guns that refuse to be photographed.

Armoured cars and a non deployed gun.

And -- Venus!  These don't have lift off roofs, I might have a go---

My repacking is pants---.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

24 OGAM Olympics List.

Well this creeped/encreaped up on me, guess the sheer amount of sport on TV this summer I just haven't been watching.

A few changes this year, we've 2 more players (and possibly guests) thus I've gone the whole God-list bar the big fella, who's The Ref.

I'm ditching the centre rings and giving the defender a terrain feature.

Apollo Q2 C4 Shooter Long Legendary shooter one ranged attack per action.

Prophesy  Roll 3 dice BEFORE game, can swap for C or Q dice any unit.

Bard Once per game 2 actions gives target 3 activations 

Burst of light 1 action not reaction.  All 2xlong.  Shadowform back to normal.  All mortal shooters no shooting end NEXT turn.

Healing  2 actions 1 per turn,  single mortal to life.

Plague  attack 1 unit once per game.  Mark unit, -1 Activations & Combats.



Pandarus (archer) Q3 C3 Shooter M.  Good shot  76

Aeneas (Dismounted)  Q3 C3 Armoured  Greedy. Shoot S  84



2x 8 Spear Q4 C2, Greedy 192

4 Young Warrior Javelin Q4 C2 Shoot S Greedy.  Dashing @19  = 76

8 Archers Q4 C2 Greedy.  Sh M @ 17 = 136

2x 4 javelin  Q4 C1 Greedy.  Shoot S @8   = 64

God 376

Legends 160

Mortals  468


Defender.  BUA on hill

Ares Q2 C5 376

Group fighter, cannot be outnumbered.

Combat master, every activation can be used for a separate attack. 

Hammering blow.  Roll 1, enemy free hack. 6 +2.

Shapeshift Boar Q2 C4 Long move,

Forester, no reduction for moving through woods.

Dashing, attacks in the same activation, without requiring a second activation.

Poison. For every casualty caused, roll a D6,  If 5,6 another casualty.



Amazon Princess, Q3 C3 Mounted, Long, Shoot Short, good shot. @ 102 

Amazon Chariot Hero Q3 C3 Armoured. Mounted.  @ 84 


4 Amazon Noble Javelin Q4 C2  Armoured,  Greedy,   Shoot Short @ 20 = 80

2x 8 Amazon Spear Q4 C2, Greedy @12 = 176

2x5 Amazon maiden bow Q4 C1 Greedy, shoot medium  @10 = 100

8 Amazon maiden javelin Q4 C1 Greedy, shoot short @ 8 = 64

4 Amazon maiden cavalry Mounted, Fast, javelin Q4 C1 Greedy, shoot short @ 15 = 60


God 336

Legends 186

Mortals 480


Defender.  Temple, own unit occupies gains steadfast @ +1 combat.

Hera Q2 C3 Shadow form, Breathtaking beauty, Tremble before my might. 200


 Achilles  Dismounted.  Q3 C3 Dashing.  Shooter S.  Good shot. 

Greedy. Invulnerability.  114

Menelaus Q3 C3 Mounted. Armoured. Greedy. Shooter S. 84



8 Myrmidons  Q4 C3 Dashing. Shooter S.  Greedy. @ 27 = 216

2x8  steady spear  Q4 C2, Greedy @ 12 = 192

1x4, 1x3  Archers Q4 C2 Greedy.  Sh M @ 17 = 119

4 javelin  Q4 C1 Greedy.  Shoot S @8   = 32

4 Slingers Q4 C1 Greedy Shoot Medium  @10 = 40

God 200

Legends 198

Mortals 599


Defender  BUA on hill

Athena  Q2 C4  248

Prophecy Roll 3 dice BEFORE game, can swap for C or Q dice any unit.


Shapeshift Owl Q2 C3 Long, Flying.



Odysseus  Q2 C3 Stealth, Free disengage.  Armoured. 98


Diomedes Q3 C3 Dashing. Chariot mounted. Armoured. Greedy.  86



 8 Ithican  Spear Q4 C2, Greedy @ 12 = 96

 2x 8 Argos Spear Q4 C2, Shooter S Greedy @ 15 = 240 

 4x4  archers/slingers Q4 C1 Greedy Shoot Medium  @10 = 160

10 javelin  Q4 C1 Greedy.  Shoot S @8   = 80


God 248

Legends 182

Mortals 576


Defender.  Temple, own unit occupies gains steadfast @ +1 combat.

Posidon Q2 C4 Amphibious, Part waters, Release the kraken, 

Water god 280


Sarpedon  Q3 C3 Mounted Armoured Shooter short.  Greedy. 84

 Glaucus. Q3 C3 Mounted Armoured Shooter short.  Greedy.84



8 Lycian archers  Q4 C2  Greedy Shoot M  @ 17= 136

4x4 Lycan jav Q4 C1 Greedy.  Shoot S @8   = 128

 8 Lycan Spear Q4 C2, Greedy. Shoot S  @15 = 120

 8 Trojan Spear Q4 C2, Greedy @12 =  96

4 Young Warrior Javelin Q4 C2 Shoot S Greedy.  Dashing @19  = 76 

God 280

Legends 168  

Mortals 556


Defender.  Wet edge

Pan Q2 C4  Forester. Transfix.  

Tremble before my might. 308


Chiron Q3 C3 Long move. Dashing. 84


Silenos chariot heroes  Q3 C3.  Big. Long.  Mounted.  Dashing. @ 102 



4 Centaurs Q4 C3    Long, Dashing  35 = 140


6 Centaur archers Q4 C3 Long, Shoot long. 30 = 180


8 Satyrs Q4 C2 x 15 = 120


4 Selinos  Q5 C3 x 15 = 60


Pan 308

Legends 186

Mortals 500


Defender Sacred Grove.   If occupied by own, gains extra invocation dice

Aphrodite. Q2 C3 Transfix.  Love conquers all.  Breathtaking beauty.  272


Minos Taurus.  Q3 C3 Dashing.  Labyrinth.  Mounted 102

Chariot Hero Q3 C3 Mounted, Long, Shoot Short, good shot. @ 102 


8 Cretan city spearmen.  Q4 C2 Shooter short. @ 18 = 144

3x4 Cretan city archers  Q4 C2 Shooter Long.  Good shot. @ 25 = 300

4 Levy javelin.  Q4 C1 Shooter. Short.  @ 11 = 44

3 Levy bow or sling. Q4 C1 Shooter. Medium. @ 13.  = 39

God  272

Legends 202 

Mortals 540  

Total 1,001

Defender  BUA on hill

Hephaestus Q2 C4 212  Short move, 

Smithy. Gives Armoured trait to a Legend on deployment.


Tauroi Khalkeoi (bronze bull) Q3 C4   122  Armoured,   

Artificial,  no morale, no invocations.

Big, +1 combat +1 shot at. 

Combat master every activation can be used for a separate attack. 


Talos the bronze giant Q3 C4 120 

Armoured,  Artificial, 

Huge, +1 combat +1 shot at.  No cover bonus.

Hammering blow.  Roll 1, enemy free hack. 6 +2.


8 Automata Q4 C2   Artificial  17= 136

4 Armoured Heroes Q4 C3 Armoured  Steadfast +1 morale  27 = 108

Greedy. (Q test if destroys enemy, fails lose 1 action next activation)

2x8 Spear Q4 C2, Greedy 12 = 192

2x5, 1x4 Javelin, Q4 C1 Greedy, Shooter short  8 = 112

God 212

Legends 242

Mortals 516


Defender  BUA on hill

Hermes  Q2 C3  260.  Super speed.  Free disengage.  Stealth.  

V diff target.


Hydra Q3 C4 Combat master, Armoured, Huge.  116

Cyclops Q3 C3 Huge.  Shooter M @ 76


18  javelin Q4 C2 Greedy Shooter S @ 15 = 180

16 archers Q4 C2 Shoot M  Greedy.  @ 17 = 272

4 Heroes Q4 C3 Armoured.  Greedy. @ 25 = 100

God 260

Legends 192

Mortals  552


Defender  BUA on hill

Artemis  Q2 C4 332.  Forester, Shooter L Shoot into melee.  Good shot.  Animal Mastery

Shapeshift Doe Q2 C3 L, Forester,


Chimera Q3 C3  Combat master.  Poison.  Shoot S.  Flying.  112

Nemean Lion  Q3 C3 Invulnerable.  100


4 Stags Q4 C1 Dashing.  Animal.  Long move.  @ 18 = 72

2x4 archers Q4 C2 Shoot M  Greedy.  @ 17 = 170

3x4, 1x3 Javelin, Q4 C1 Greedy, Shooter short  @ 8 = 120

8 Spear Q4 C2, Greedy @ 12 = 96

God 332

Legends 212

Mortals 466


Defender Sacred Grove.   If occupied by own, gains extra invocation dice

Hades Q4 C4 Raise the dead 240


Charioteer Q3 C3 Armoured, Mounted, undead  90

Behemoth Q3 C3 Big, Hammering blow undead 90


4x8 Undead Q4 C2 @ 18 = 432

God 240

Legends 180

Mortals 576


Defender.  Temple, own unit occupies gains steadfast @ +1 combat.

Dionysus  232  Q2 C3  Transfix, Drunkard, Confound.


Cyclops  Q3 C3 Big  Shooter M 76.


Tree Feller  Q4 C3.  Armoured.  Huge.  Forester.  Hammering blow. 



4x8 Javelins and cyclops rock throwers Q4 C1 Shooter Short @ 11 331





8 Cyclops clubbers  Q2 C2 Dashing  @ 19 = 152


6 Slingers  Q2 C2 Shooters M  @ 20 = 120


God 232

Legends  160

Mortals 603


Defender  BUA on hill