Friday 5 July 2024

Xenos Rampant 15mm Quar. no1 Fidwog

Why Quar?  Wot are they good for?  Quar hits the low tech World War 1/Interwar itch without reference to the horrendous casualties of the real conflict.

The release of the 28mm plastic (hawk, spit) kits by Warlord has seen a surge in the skirmish game, and casting envious eyes on the vehicles so splendidly resplendent in the 15mm ranges.  

There is a skirmish set of rules (included in the plastics)  and a rather complicated larger game set.  I hate cards - specialist dice.  I think the Xenos core rules (dice to do & initiative swap), work well enough to represent difficult communication.

Mr Zombiesmith Joshua Qualtieri has developed a huge and detailed back story that would do any long established RPG proud.

In the Before Time I invested in the 15mm kickstarter, 5 starter sets.  Here is the first to get properly organised.

For more information on Fidwog, please bend you lugholes to this excellent missive:

I've had to make some adjustments:  

The Fidwog infantry have squads of 10 (handy) that includes weapons designed for different distances and an attached light mg.  These are usually transported by civilian vehicles that I haven't bothered to cost as I don't have the models- though a camp raid could be fun.

Gwylon scouts, lancers mounted on hare-like carnivores that are superb leaping climbers.  So I nicked mobile and I've made them flying as that's the closest I can get.

Musicians and cook - these are very Quar!  The easiest way to add them is  as level 1 psi assets, although you could up that with a celebrity appearance!  I can see them either Morfyd mounted on the back of a truck.  

I've added total numbers of units I made from the kickstarter.  Comes to 37 points.  Adding a few allies will make a decent double sized game. 

I normally use given values for 15mm, but here I have halved the movement and shooting for effect.

5p  Fidwog Ryfler LI Squad 10  


Move Free (5+) 4”

Attack 6+ Attack V 5+ Defence V 4+

Courage 4  Armour 2

Shoot 6+  5+ 9” 6’s=2

Firefight.  Go To Ground  Heavy Weapon. 

5p Cav Gwylon Scout  5


Move Free (5+) 6”

Attack 7+ Attack V 6+ Defence V 6+

Courage 5  Armour 1

Shoot 7+  5+ 6”

Firefight.  Mobile. “Flying”p79.

Hard target armour 2 vs shoot 6” only

Skirmish 7+ move shoot v 6+

3p  Fynrydhad Escort Tractor  5


Move Free (6+) 4”

Attack 6+ Attack V 6+ Defence V 5+

Courage 3  Armour 5

Shoot 6+  4+ 9” 

All Terrain.  Anti person. 

Blades, attack/defend target armour -1

6p  Morfyd Carriage  5

Move Free (6+) 5” All Terrain.

Attack 6+ Attack V 6+ Defence V 6+

Courage 4  Armour 5

Shoot 6+  6+ 6” 

Blades, attack/defend target armour -1

Trans 10p. Line break.  Green crew.

1p     Musician (psi) 1


Move Free (5+) 4”

Sooth Mind 6+ unit within 9” reroll courage.

Courage 4  Armour 2

Go To Ground 

1p   Cook  (psi) 1


Move Free (5+) 4”

7+ Grub Up.  All units 9” truce 1 turn.  No attack/shoot. 

Courage 4  Armour 2

Go To Ground

There are 2 units not included in the kickstarter set:

Miners.  A common Quar theme.  Other nations have close assault troops with grenades.  These are (6) sappers armed with a nasty shotgun.

The heavy MG squad is 3 (handy) are mounted, shooting from the back unlike most human animal transport where the unit must deploy.

6p  Miners (berserk)  5 

Move Free (6+) 8” All Terrain.

Attack 5+ Attack V 4+ Defence V 5+

Courage 4  Armour 2

Shoot 7+  6+  6”

Countercharge.  Firefight. Wild Charge 

Open order/Ranger.  Veteran 

Demolitions attack on vehicle half armour.

6p HMG Support Squad 3 as 5  

Move 6+ 3”

No Attack.  Defence V 5+

Courage 4  Armour 2

Shoot free (7+) 4+ 12” armour-1  6=2.

Firefight. AP.  Heavy weapon.  

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