Sunday 14 November 2021

Of Armies And Hordes. Halloween is Hell

Rising covid infections in this area put paid to Halloween plans. Quick game ensued.

Mixed Undead.

Skeleton guard & general 3 3 7 (Quality - Combat - Armour)

Skeleton cavalry 4 2 7 undead

Undead  4 1 4

Behemoths 4 3 7 Undead, Giant L3. 2 lives, resilient, forester, slow

Shrubberies  5 2 7  resilient 

Beasts  4 2 6 Forester

Archers  4 1 5 Shooters 2

Egyptian.  I broke one of my own rules.  It's not that I dislike showing unpainted or half painted- but not usually in this quantity!  I decided to pull out & organise (paint some bases!) some of the Egyptian goodies that I keep coming across.  Majority are from Splintered Light, their Mercenaries and "lesser" gods forces.  Good excuse to organise them--.

The baby crocs*

General & croc bodyguard  4 3 6

Crocs & handlers 5 3 6  Ambushers

Mummies  4 2 7 undead, tough

Hungry Hippos 4 3 7 

Scorpions 4 3 8  Fast Monster 3  Resilient 

Snakes  4 2 6  Fast  Ambushers

Croc* kin  4 2 6

The Game.  We missed a bit -  Tony's not-cavalry snakes stomp on my beasties.  I roll very, very bad and he rolls good - I'm wiped out.

Where did they go?  - I painted the bases about an hour before, I think they're dry.  North African cobras come in a range of colours so getting these right is going to take some time.

My general is a tad vulnerable with those nasty snakes to the flank.

Scorpion dashes into my cavalry flank, wins, survives, pushes them back!

It charges in again on reaction.

Now I get a perfect storm of 6's.

We both pile units into the centre.

The hungry hippos crash into my beastmen, again I'm lucky and get 1 more kills, so they go back. 

Tony's crocs refuse to move, so I feel confident in moving my left flank across.

In nips the scorpion.

Damn thing is built like a tank, I need a 6 to hit it - narry a one!  I lose 2 out of a possible 3 & go back.  A 6 always kills, a 1 always misses.

I'm pushed back, allowing his snakes to charge my cavalry!

Despite being the smaller unit, 2 of them survive to 1.5 of mine, who retreat.

Perfect target in perfect location, in with the behemoth!  Smashed!

While we're at it - even match this time.

Hungry Hippo's Ho! They get the better, but are weakened enough for a behemoth to bash.

The plan was - hit the mummies on the right with behemoths.  They'd probably die but then send in the beasts.  Didn't happen--.

Turn over & the other mummies crunch into my shrubbers and - just- get repulsed.

The other mummies gear up - I get a reaction with a behemoth and it gets stomped.  Then they plow into my beasties and stomp them.

Now I can take them in the flank, which is good.

My skellies burst through at the mini crocs.  I push them back with great slaughter on both sides.

That gives me a column of depleted units.

This time the mummies do much better and my shrubberies are shredded. 

Sacrificing the Dead.  I use my remnant cavalry and generals guard to thump this unit.  But they aint going!

I now have a long column of partial units.  Time for the general to spend activations to merge.  There's no rules for this, just did it.

Oh crap.  The plan was a suicide run to the crocs leading to a charge from the skellies.

Instead my general gets charged and only just survives, destroying the attackers!

Mummies grind down my bits of bones.

Damn those mummies are tough!  I took them from the spreadsheet without any attempt to point the forces.  Still, good game!

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