Tuesday 16 November 2021

Rogue Stars The farm gets ploughed again--.

The aggressors race on their Huge Unarmed Enabling Yon Surgers  to the DZ.  


I am at a crossroads.  This is going in a direction I had not intended - well, not quite like this and not so soon.

I'd planned a seasonal campaign (as life gets in the way of real stuff) but intended OZ (originally devised back in the Down Time  http://unitrecon.blogspot.com/2020/05/rs-campaign-lands-of-oz.html)  

Cavorite*  has been found and exploited.  The moon has been visited and the Selenites have been discovered.  Here the explorers learn of a battle betwix the Selinites and the Martians.  So far the Selinites have repelled the Martians due to their single cohesive society and their capture and reproduction of Martian technology.

Now the Martians have learnt of the existence of humans.  Well, they knew about them, but not that they were such big, violent barbarian bastards!  Ships had been launched.  A preliminary invasion got stomped, as the locals did not want to be slaves.

New tactics were required.  Ferment was fermented.  A useful and readily available species was chosen to be uplifted and armed.  But this provided a further problem.  Rather than declare their undying allegiance to the (an) Glorious Persons Empire of Expansion (GPEE*)  They preferred to stick to their herds and sod everyone else, forming communes and farm.

There is, of course, Venus.  Even nastier primitives there, still learning to bang rocks together.  And deep in the depths there is the Uranus problem.

There is still the matter of the machine that goes Ping!  Now it's the Martians turn.    

Once again we have our locals  The grizzled grazers have recovered due to their metabolism, the monstrous engine that created them, but above all - the plot. 

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_First_Men_in_the_Moon

**  Anthem G-PEE, G-PEE G-G-G-G-PEE.

Locals - the Mootants  (it's only going to get worse)  6 = 204

Hard to kill. 3 remove wound token.  +1 shot at.  +1 combat.

Cyborgs Big, Steadfast  Tough2 20 Total 34    
Bionic Eye  +1 spot.  Half range of aimed shot.  4
Combat computer.  Tech 10 roll gains +2 to hit.  4
Zap pistol 3 Electrical, Energy, Short range.  6

Todays actors:  Gert, Udderly, Violet, eX* Yellow ,Zally

Glorious Persons Empire of Expansion Away Team.

Star Cops  Blitzkrieg. +2 at beginning, -1 to take. Total 204 

Zod, Interregator Terminant.  (Zod IT for short)

Diminutive, Insectoid, Leader, Light worlder, Psionic Master.  23 Total 63

 Combat Dress Legs/arms 3 Torso/head 4.  Heavy. 18

Electrokinesis Dam 2 ranged attack. 6 to hit.  4

Mind Control TN15  10", LOS.  P58.  18


 Danger sense, Light worlder, Insectoid,  Difficult target. 20 Total 34

Light Combat dress.  Legs/arms 2 Torso/head 3  14

Motion Detector +2 to spot.  4 


Diminutive, Light worlder,Insectoid, 14 Total 34

Light Combat dress.  Legs/arms 2 Torso/head 3  14

Laser Pistol 4 Blind. Energy. Short range 6


Diminutive,  Light worlder, Insectoid, 14 Total 35

Light Combat dress.  Legs/arms 2 Torso/head 3  14

Laser Rifle 5 Blind, Two handed, Energy. 7 


Diminutive,  Light worlder, Insectoid, 14 Total 38

Light Combat dress.  Legs/arms 2 Torso/head 3  14

Laser Cannon  6 Heavy, Blind, Two handed, Energy. 10

The Game.  Deja Vu all over again!  How lazy is this! I'm trying to get ahead for my Beach Head game, February seems a long time away--.  This time it's the other 'arf of the space battle.  Any resemblance to another fictional empire is, of course, coincidental.

This time I took the invaders.  Set up is the same.

Here come the invaders!  Scout in front.  Trouble with these, they move damn slow!

Well that was easy--

The glorious leader puts the easy zap on his first target.  Take that, silly moo!

A difficult shot through cover.

A long shot, full use of bionic eye & computer.  A head shot - dead!  Scratch one leader.  Morale has little effect-.

The Moo's press their advantage and gather in their masses.

The ruin proves useful cover.

A bit surrounded--

Rifle goes bang!  Moo goes down, but not out.

Another Moo get shot.

Multiple hails of fire at point blank.  Um, the wall at the back probably pockmarked in silhouette.

Sneaky little chap in a sneaky little alley.

Bang 1.  "Where the hell did that come from?"

Meanstwhile, the close-in firefight hots up!

Insert spaghetti western music here.  Shot 2.

The tables turned & the toll evened.

The last trooper shoots the machine, thus fulfilling the mission, but pays the price.

The unarmed scout gets got.  And that's the lot!

Interesting game, quite different from last weeks.  Although, the inability of the Moo's to hit at close range followed through.  Note- wearing different armour, looking different, makes you a fire magnet.

This week we were mostly eating mint club, which was nice.

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