I invited a relative over for the weekend (he doesn't get out much)
and a couple of Dryads, who are mad for gods and demigods. I also
had the builders in, doing some work on the patio. Next thing we
knew, young Hermes turns up with these young lads, looking to nick
my cattle! Well, it started off good natured fun-.
Apollo Q2 C4 Bard, Burst of light, Healing, Prophecy, Plague, Legendary shooter, Shooter Long 380
Minotaur Q3 C3 Dashing, Hammering blow, Labyrinth, Armoured, Mounted, Long, Boasting @164
2 Cyclops Q3 C3 Huge Shooter medium @76 = 152
8 Cyclops with clubs Q4 C2 (OO)Drunkard @ 15 = 120
8 Cyclops with stones Q4 C2 (OO)Drunkard Shooter medium @ 20 = 160
2 Dryads (OO) Q4 C1 Forester @10 = 20
Total 996
It was a lark, I knew Apollo was a good sport. I got these lads
together and we were just going to dash in, sneak off with the
Hermes Q2 C3
Super speed, Free disengage, stealth, v difficult target. 260
3 Chariot Heroes
(young) Q3 C3, Armoured, Mounted, Long, Boasting @112= 336
4 Chariots Q4,
C3, (OO) Armoured, Dashing Greedy, Long move, Mounted @ 44 = 172
Centaurs Q4 C3 Drunkard, Dashing, Long move @ 35 = 140
3 Centaur
Archers Q4 C3 Drunkard, Long move, Shooting Long @ 30 = 90
Total 998
A brief rules
is the first test of my “upgrades” based on the new Celtic book.
Just mine, not official, but please feel free to use, test and make
informed criticism.
Form. Killing of horses or charioteers by a hero is bad form.
The hero's Q score is dropped by one for the rest of the game. This
does not apply to undead or monster-legends.
The chariot has 4
aspects, an attack must contact the most obvious:
if contacting the horses they count as Q4 C2 with a -2 in combat.
the hero's side, any attacks are against him or her.
the charioteers side, Q4 C1. The hero may use the spear but gains no
either passenger, again the hero get no plus.
Shooting at
front-1, side, 0, rear +1
D6 0-3 horse hit, 4 charioteer, 5,6 hero.
killed, hero can take reins and make moves as normal, but cannot use
shock of impact, dashing or height advantages.
killed, the chariot is removed from play and the hero is catapulted 1
move distance in the direction of travel. If he lands on or in an
enemy unit its an attack, (I'd include shock of impact!) if not count
as prone!
killed, the chariot is either removed or retires on the charioteers
Q. Any hero with Greedy must stop to strip the body.
Boast (mine differs from the Celtic original – how? Buy the book!)
8 points
3 turns I will slay (named enemy) legend costing more points. The
Legend cannot be in or engage in another fight & target not
reduced Q or C.
3 turns the hero will inflict at least 1 casualty to opponents force
of any tier.
shall not pass! For 3 turns. Hero must be dismounted and in contact
with 1 or more CO units who gain Steadfast as long as they stay in
contact. At the end of the turn the whole group and any OO in
contact may advance 1 short IF not in contact. I'm thinking a (the)
Rock version of Herakles, Ajax or Odysseus here.
the Legend succeeds they become inspiring. All mortals within 1
Medium gets +1to Q for activation and morale.
heroic charioteers. These are near identical to the above. In 15mm
I use two on a CD, use one 28mm. The CD represents the dashing,
maneuvering style of movement.
C3, Armoured, Dashing Greedy, Long move, Mounted (23+5+4-3+8+7) = 44
Rare (4)
Game. This is easiest divided into quarters. But first up the
deployment- every unit was OO, so despite being short on points, they
filled the table and for the first time we had to consider being more
than a long away. Incidentally, there were only 14 humans on the field. Tony took Apollo and the clincher was the cyclops
in the bullfield and Apollo just behind the fields.
far right – chariot unit. This went haring down (3 long moves)
down the flank and hit the cyclops clubmen time after time. I only
managed to kill one, but they kept being pushed back! Finally I got
in LOS of Apollo and a snap shot saw one hero explode in a cyan
burst. At this they retreated, being pursued but not caught by the
clubmen- who run into Hermes, to the suprise of both. The chariots performed as expected, hitting with glancing
blows and lots of manoever. Fun to play, they are never going to be
game-changers, but I'll take fun every day.
Legendary charioteer Moudicus, seeing a swarm of sober cyclops before him
Boasts (I took a boast to take one action?) that he will kill for 3.
Bad move. He moves into contact, but no kill, like his other
contemporaries he doesn't kill, just push back, in fact they sort of
circle. They never manage to get a throw in though. Eventually he
does do some damage, but too late to save his reputation.
archers slide into a gap, hop (I'd do it very, very carefully if a
centaur, no matter how pissed!) over the hedge into the cow field,
spread among the cows and look! A cyclops has done the same. Now
we debated if he shielded his face or his nuts with a rock, but
whichever- one good shot and he's down! Apollo takes exception and
opens up, shooting them all.
Add capt |
Centre. Mighty hero Curlingus is faced with a cyclops in a field with a bull. His charioteer gives him a “I ain't going in there!” look so he's forced to dismount and advance on the foe. (I'd considered dismounted figures for crashes, here's the hint- you need dismount figures). There follows a ding-dong battle with the cyclops getting the upper hand, forcing Curlingus back and finally killing him with a well dropped rock. The centaur spear took the advantage and moved on the bull, capturing it – but then Apollo starts his murderous assault, chasing the last survivor off the board, aided by a pushback result.
Mighty Larryeathese is faced with the Minotaur and a Cyclops. With
a mighty proclamation he informs the Minotaur that “Eee's gonna
'ave 'im” (Look I asked Homer, he was there, that's what he
said) and thundered forward. The Cyclops throws a rock and misses
(no sense of honour & fair play!) this may have spooked the
horses, because the Minotaur coming in strong rolls a 1.
Larryeathese rolls a 6, the Minotaur crashes and bursts into flames.
Larryeathese fails his Q roll, so stops, dismounts and starts
stripping the dead Minotaur. The cyclops has his eye in now, lobs
another rock onto Larryeathese head, who looks up- splat! The
cyclops then moves into the cattlepen for his fateful encounter-.
will note that Hermes did nothing other than hide from Apollo's
arrows and mighty wrath. My plan had been to use the centaurs &
Hermes to shuttle the cattle to other units, then get away with as
many as possible. No plan survives contact with a cyclops!
chariot rules and Boast impose modes of action on the legends. This
is a game changer, a game improver! I'm planning a big Trojan War
battle for the later Achaean test. Next week its Japans turn.
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