forces for Song of Sword and Shield
Quick and dirty. If your not too fussed (as with our “End Games”) just assemble forces as you see fit without too much bother about points, or do a quick tot up from the list.
Matched points.
I prefer to have balances forces pre-planned “off the shelf” that
I can field or alter for a specific scenario. I'm a great believer
that proper preparation prevents poor play. I started buying these
troops as soon as the game was proposed. Plus, if you have a regular
force, the fact that it's not tailor-made to the scenario gives you a
bit more work to do.
Here are 2 I'm playing with.
The Warband of
This is a warband in
transition. If anyone was going to adapt, it's him.
Starting with 500
points, I wanted a core of pike supported by javelin troops and a few
specialists. So I needed a maximum unit size (1/3) of 6, so needed a
total of at least 18 bodies.
I needed Mavericks* to
make use of the Achaean National Trait.
To save points (and it
feels right) I didn't class Odysseus as a hero.
Odysseus (Maverick) Q3
C2 Armour3 Javelin Shield Sword 60 points
Spearmen x4 =120 pointsJavelins x4 = 140 points
Runners (mavericks) x2 =108 points
C/o archers (mavericks) x2 =70 points
Total 498 points
Total 13 men. 1/3 rule
allows units of 4.This is a quality force, although lacking in skirmishers it can put out a fair number of javelins and one good archer can outdistance and kill enemy skirmishers. In fact, in one of our trial games two such took down Achilles (see below) with a 6:1 shot**. The spearmen can operate as a lance, protected by the others. Go for 3 activations, then use your Heroic Activation for the javelins.
If I was using a different National Trait I'd probably have a unit of skirmishers or archers in place of the runners and close order archers.
Odysseus 60 points as
Runners x2 =108 pointsSpearmen x6 =180 points
Javelin skirmishers x10 =150 points
Total 498
Total of 19 men, allowing 6 men units. 1 of spear, 2 skirmish of 5 each, one runner to protect each flank.
I can see the skirmishers being left behind due to proper use of the extras.
If using a different nationality, would probably field 2 spear units with Odysseus in one.
As above 498 points
4 (more) Javelin =140
10 skirmishing javelin
=150 points
Upgrading one figure as
second in command 15 points
Total 803 points. You
can always juggle the number of skirmishers for a closer fit.This is the crew I've been thinking of. A good combined arms force of 27, so you could even have one massive javelin force of 8. I can see this as a good shipload, an ideal raiding party.
sacker of cities.
One thing we can all
agree on is that Achilles was the bronze Age version of a tiger tank.
When not broken down or out of fuel, an unstoppable killing
machine**. His kingdom was some small dump in the sticks of Thrace,
Thracians fought on both sides. His Myrmidons were picked troops,
but that's about all we know.
Achilles or Patrocles as leader Q4 C3 Armour4, Hero, Javelin, Shield, Sword, Leader, Terrifying charge 107 points. Patroclese as second in command 89 points. Patroclese as companion 74 points.
I'm trying several
“takes” until I feel I get it right. On my list there's a nod
towards these:
Ok, they aren’t the
“correct” historical miniature, but with some shield swaps they
will fit in!
I'm in a phase of repainting and rebasing, so please excuse the odd less-than-perfect.
I'm in a phase of repainting and rebasing, so please excuse the odd less-than-perfect.
This list leans towards
the Sea Peoples warband option
Achilles (maverick)
=107 points
Myrmidons x8 =328
Javelin skirmishers x4
=60 points
Total 495 points
Achilles (maverick)
=107 points
Patrocles (maverick)
=74 points
Myrmidons x6 =246
Javelin skirmishers x5
=75 points
Total 502 points A total of 12/13 gives
a maximum unit size of 4
800 points
To round the force off,
giving it some long distance hitting power:
Achilles (maverick)
=107 points
Patrocles 2C (maverick)
=89 pointsMyrmidons x8 =328 points
Javelin skirmishers x7 =105 points
Bow or sling skirmishers 10 =170 points
Total 799 points
Total of 27 allows
units of 9
To convert this lot
into a Sea Peoples warband, lets invent another leader. The famous
Popysus, (or perhaps Blutosus), husband/abductor of the lovely
So for 500 points:
Popysus (maverick) =93
Companion Runner
(maverick) =54Warriors x7 =287 points
Javelin skirmishers x4 =60 points
Total 497 points
Total 13 = units of 4.
Blutotus in Trojan
service Q4 C3 Armour3, Axe, Shield, leader, Terrifying charge, 93
500 points:
Blutotus (maverick) =93
Warriors x6 =246 pointsBow or Slinger skirmishers x 9 =153 points
Total 492 points
There's an idea for a mini campaign using 29 figures. Change of the leaders weapons or combat skill to even up!
If you get a plastic 1:72 box for about £5 you should get that number of usable figures plus a few casualty markers.
One that comes to mind is during a Roman civil war, 2 units on opposite sides meet on a road-.
*A maverick is a single
figure as opposed to a skirmisher or unit. Each is activated on
their own dice-rolls. The National Rule I use for Acheans is Heroic
Attitude, which gives 3 automatic activation successes to single
models (so a maverick or a chariot).
** Full story. Javelin
heavy force vs Achilles. Achilles gets initiative, him &
Patrocles starts knocking people off their feet. (At long range a
missile hit knocks you back rather than wounds). My activation, I
try the regroup option to buy time. Next, on comes Achilles out
front, kills one of mine. My activation, start with my archers, who
were in range of Achilles. One dead hero, game over!