Thursday 17 October 2024

Rogue Stars Campaign Grandma Wendy's Gold

I've done this before so seasoned readers are allowed to skip.

Why have a campaign?  Good question that chap.  Having a campaign ready to go is pre planning for those times when life - just - twists.  It gives you time to get other stuff ready.

Proper Planning Prevents Poor Playing

Bonus excuse for buying just a few new figures.

Have a theme to hang everything on.  This is the internal logic, the reason d' wosname.  Mine include Trouble at the (a) mill.  Moon (running down corridors in Dr Who mode).  Mercenaries of Mars, this developed from a larger game and highlights how smaller games can develop from and/or influence larger games.  I started an Expanse series, but then Covid hit and it just seemed too real!

The sides need a reason.  Money, power, terrain or revenge are good starts.

In this one I've added more specific movement and a central, neutral area all must pass through.  Once there, apply one of the scenarios.

Closure- the end.  I guess in this one its when the gold gets off table with a team and someone takes or keeps terrain.  Most just fizzle out.  But!  There have been some interesting games, the teams have been given some character.

I have an idea for a time wars campaign, using a snakes & ladders game board.

The Prologue:

Once Upon a Time there was a huge corporation.  It sat like a malevolent spider in young boys bedrooms, sucking the individuality and money from its victims and their family.  But the world changed, leaving an embittered old hag hunched in the ruins of her once glorious fortified gingerbread tower in the depths of (an) Nottingham Forest.

Somewhere, in those ruins there's her gold.  Gleaned from selling expensive and making cheap.  The guardians of the treasure are the Mutant Cocks.  Beasts mind enslaved and their terror bird offspring.


Each team has its own home layout.  Each has to cross the Diagonal Valley to get anywhere.

The terrain has 6 patches of wood, an X of road and river.  Players with energy weapons etc.  need to avoid the water and use the bridge.

Grandma's Mutant Cocks

Big Bad Bear Bounty Hunters

Dominar Rigel and the Fox Force Five
The Trogs
Bucky O Hares Avengers
The Witch, Guards and her Monkeys

To move, the active player makes 3 rolls for the Leader.
1 Activation gets the team assembled and at the edge of their home.
2 Activations get them over the river of Diagonal Valley
3 gets them into their chosen target OR to set up an ambush in the Valley.
If the player is successful or driven off, the process is repeated. If a player is driven off, they are gone.

The Mutant Cocks* Pirates Determined, 4 remove stress any time counters 204

Brooding on the past, they sit and wait for times to get more favourable.

All ladies Sneak/hidden/walk 2”  Run 4” Sprint 6” + Fast.

Grandma. Civilian, reptile, Leader2.  Psi  (48)  -4 action/reaction.
Blink  TN14 2" when hit.
Detect witness TN 9 12" +1 damage.  5
Electrokinesis  TN9 Dam 2 ranged attack.  4
Mind control   TN15 10"  LOS.  Target 12 to activate and no reaction.  18
Refraction Field and Natural armour 3   

Dodo, Big, Fast3, Marksman1, SMG 6, (25p)
Chuck Arny Big, Fast1, Marksman3, Machine gun (30p)
Chick Clucky Big, Fast2, Marksman2 Stealth3, SMG 6, (30p)
Cockatrice Big, Fast3, Martial arts2 (32p)
Beak (claws) Tail (Spear)  Feet (Sword)  Flight pack Flight pack 8" Hover 2"
Huge Grant Fast3, Huge, Weaponmaster2, Built in claws (22)
Terror Bird.  Big.  Fast 3 Beak & Claws.  (17)

*I got to no.4 on google search Mutant Cocks.  Hopefully I brought more players to the game.  

The Big Bad Bear Bounty Hunters  Last seen October 18 2018. Total 205

The Bears have a history with Grandma.  No one else is going to get that there gold!

Bounty Hunters. Bushwackers 8 terrain tokens, auto pass terrain roll.
Sneak/hidden/walk 2”  Run 5” Sprint 7” 

Ripper” Boo Boo (blue hat) Big, Fast, Medic, Tech, Tough 1  Vibroblade (3) (24p)

Paddington (red hat) Big, Fast, Tough1, Marksman, Vibroblade (3) 4 Sonic pistol (2)  

Pa (yellow hat) Big, Fast, Tough1, Marksman, Monowire tangler (3) (29p)

Ted (mohawk) Big, Fast, Tough2, Leader1, Marksman 2, Zap rifle, (4) (46p)

Yogi (green hat) Big, Fast, Tough2, Marksman 2, Molecular slugthrower (4) (40p)

Flambear Big, Ambidextrous, Fast, Marksman 1, 21 2 Flamer pistols (3) built in (37p)

Home location cave entrance.

Dominar Rigel and the Fox Force Five.  Last seen last week!

The Dominar is willing to deal with anyone, but he needs that gold!

Opportunity Fire.  +1 any shot on Reaction.

All ladies Sneak/hidden/walk 2”  Run 4” Sprint 6” 

Dominar Rigel Civilian(-4 morale)  Difficult target, Fast, Free disengage, Leader.  

Activate 12 React 14  Flight pack 8" Hover 2"

Zap pistol 3 Built in, Electrical +2 bionic limbs & Artificial, 

Energy, short range 

Ms Black  Marksman 3  

Light Combat Dress Legs/Arms 2 Torso/Head 3  

Laser rifle, 5  Blind, 2 handed energy 

Accurate Weapon +1 called or aimed shots 

Ms White.  Marksman 2  Martial Arts 2  Medic 

Light Combat Dress Legs/Arms 2 Torso/Head 3  

Hunting needler, 3 silent, 2 handed 

Ms Grey  Marksman Martial Arts  Tech 

Light Combat Dress Legs/Arms 2 Torso/Head 3  

Zap Rifle 4 Electrical, 2 handed, energy  

Ms Blue  Marksman Martial Arts 

Light Combat Dress Legs/Arms 2 Torso/Head 3  

Zap Rifle 4 Electrical, 2 handed, energy  

Ms Green  Marksman Martial Arts Stealth 

Light Combat Dress Legs/Arms 2 Torso/Head 3  

Zap Rifle 4 Electrical, 2 handed, energy  

Home landed small spaceship and campsite.

The Trogs. "Miners" Bushwackers 8 terrain tokens each allows pass a terrain roll. 203

Intensely territorial and only wanting peace and quiet, they will attack any invaders or those who have engaged in violence.

Devolved from her followers, who took to the woods to grow mystical plants after finding a way to reproduce without females.

All Sneak/hidden/walk 2”  Run 4” Sprint 6” 

Big Trogs. Huge. Chucker2. Steadfast. Stealth. Tough3. Weapon master3 (49 x 2)
Trogs. Big Chucker2. Steadfast. Stealth. Tough2. Weapon master2 (35 x 3)

Home huts and crops.

The Witch, Guards and her Monkeys Cultists
Witch 63, 3 Monkeys (120= 183) 3 Fragmentation grenades Dam 3 12" range 4" radius. 15
Witch 63, 2Monkeys (80=143) 2 Halberdiers (62) = 215
Witch 63, 3 Halberdiers (93) Monkey (40) + 1 grenade 201

She's the Witch, the Big Bad Witch. She wants Grandma's ruined tower. The Gold and to beat off anyone else.

Witch  Difficult target 3.  Leader.  Reactive.  Psi master 3.  (63) 

Blink  TN14 2" when hit.  

Encourage 1 friendly target.7+ +1 Activation. 

Levitation 7+ 8" 1 action 1 stress per move until takes pin, wound or lands.  

Mindscream roll 7+ each within 5". 1pin 1stress, 1wound if critical. 

Halberdier  31 

Fast  Crawl 1"  Sneak/Hidden/Walk 2"  Run 5"  Sprint 7"  

Reptiloid  Ignore 1st pin. Psi.

Tough +1 to endure roll.

Light Combat Dress  Legs & Arms 2  Torso & Head 3  7

Vibrospear  3 Long hits 1" + free hack at attacker.  3 

Flying Monkeys  40 each.  Fongo, Jongo, Pongo, Unko

Agile2. Big. Extra "leg". Fast2.  Martial Arts3 Tough2. Chucker.

"Flight pack" 8, 8” per move, hover 2” (above combat) Free disengage. 

Land on rough TN5

Big. Psi.

Extra "leg" (Wings) Fast3.  I imagine that these do a semi powered hop rather than walk.

Move Crawl 1”, Sneak/walk 2” Run/Sprint 8” 

Martial Arts3 

Tough2. +2 endure roll.

Can carry any other person.

Bucky O Hares Avengers. Star Cops. Brawlers. 10 reroll failed melee roll tokens.

What the trogs, bears monkeys and birds have done to the local population is unspeakable. The Avengers are here to right this wrong and restore the balance. If the gold is recovered, well running a crime fighting organisation is expensive.

Old burial mound that leads to a secret underground high tech base and starship.

I cannot find Bucky and crew! We used them after the move but they are hiding somewhere! Bonus pic!

You had to look it up, didn't you?

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