Monday 4 October 2021

Of Gods and Mortals Hades vs Osirus Dead To The Bone

 We don't usually mix pantheons.  Only once before this batch, going back to 2015 - which seems like a lifetime ago!

"It's a dead duck. It has ceases to be."

I have to admit to a certain laziness in this process, all this is "off the shelf".

Getting ready for the pre-game positioning game.

Osiris Q2 C4

Raise the dead, 1 action 1 mortalHealing,  2 actions 1 mortal, legend to stand, remove transfix.
Protection.  Armoured trait on unit within 1 long until end turn.

Pharaoh Nuff  Q3 C2 Shooter Long, Long Move, Undead

General Ass Q3 C2 Shooter Long, Long Move, Undead

2x Giant scorpions Q3 C3 Desert walk, Poison, Big

Levy infantry spear Q4 C2  8   
Mummies Q4 C2 Undead, Armoured, Slow  24

 I did a basic coat then wet mixed the black.  Less is more, simple wash, eyes & done.

Hades Q4 C4 Raise the dead 240
Persephone Q3 C3 Mtd, Long
Charioteer Q3 C3 Armoured, Mounted, undead 
3 x Behemoth Q3 C3 Hammering blow undead
Undead Q4 C2
4 Centaurs Q4 C2 Long move, Shooter M, Undead. 

The Game.
Do you like Frankenduck?  'er in doors brought it home just as we were about to start, so it seemed wosname to bung it on.

This is a big "meat (bone) grinder" of a game so scenery is a bit toned down.

I couldn't find Hades, so Loki agreed to step in. and was taken by Tony, defending.


I sent himself & chariots around the flank and kept an aggressive front.   On comes the behemoths.

Meanstwhile Hades looks on--.


Undead move away from the god & advancing chariots.

Oh - scorpions.  Don't forget scorpions.

"Scorpions in front of me, scorpions to the rear of me-!"

Solitary cyclops tries it with mummies, contact not fight.

As does behemoth.

Double crunch!  The scorpion could only get into contact, the chariot leaps in, but gets trounced!

Repeated here!

Big boys bash bonanza!

Those undead are determined to get away from the scorpions.

Another behemoth falls to Osiris

One thing these rules are really good at is messy - just as well!

Has Hades finally decided to join in?

What!  Noooo!  Scorpion (rolled 1, C3 +1 big) gets killed by skellies! (rolled a 5, C2 +1 for outnumbering)  

Remember this contact?  They've been sitting here a while now the party boners turn up.  I don't know what it was with these mummies, but everyone just bounced off!

Perspiration gets knocked on her arse.

Rewenge!  Brunch of the Undead.

Not confusing at all.

"Come on then if you think yer 'ard enough!"

Time for the gods to wade into the mortals.

Meanstwhile Perspiration is back on 'er feet.


Packing 'em in tight.

I do not believe I wanted to do that.  
Green is reaction dice, so turnover & 1 reaction for Hades.

Behemoth tries, managing to push Osiris back.

"We fart in your general direction!"

Hades vs mortals while behemoth gets clobbered.

Staying in contact with the mummies gives Osiris all the help he needed.  Black dice = praying units.

If 'ee cannot 'ave thee, ee will try I.

Pop!  Not in contact-

Yer doomed!

They polished 'em orf!

Brutal, isn't it?

"Hello dear, how are you doing?"

White dice = Hades praying.

Them poor bones!

Back again- 

Worth a go, keep 'er out of it.

Drat.  Turnover & 1 for mortals.

- which allowed for the final battle with me winning!

That was a hard, gratuitous grind.  The only troops taking morale were my scorpions and Persephone so without those reactions it made for a different game.

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