We wanted something "light," so I've gone with our first attempt at the Paleo Pulp supplement to Paleo Diet.
Baghinder Savagery 4 Resilience 4 Bulk 2
Pistol 1x short or 2x short aimed. 1st Shot = Howl.
Attacker rolls a 1, another wound.
Stalker. Can Amble within 1 Medium without causing reaction.
Dr -
Antiquarian, 2+6’s, has discovered ancient relic.
1 action to pick up.
Roll 2D6 & put to one side. Or use vision dice Or clobber beast at +2.
Egoist. Must activate first & roll 3 dice.
Fire. Can spend 1 action to light ground fire & may count as fire for beast reactions
Occultist ignore effects of curse.
Princess Gunreet
Explorer blade allows Amble or Skulk through thickets or blade grass.
+1 against beast in contact.
Healer 1 per hunt, may spend 2 actions to restore 1 bulk.
Brute. Bulk 3
"Spear" (quoit) range Short. May Pelt a beast.
Alert. Reroll 1 failed dice if beast within M.
That the Evil Baron is vaguely German and his goblin troops sort of Imperial Russian, is of course in keeping with the Great Game. The rather Egyptian setting isn't, but we'll just ignore that-.
Baron Von Greenbak. Witchdoktor (P20) Savagery 5 Resilience 4 Bulk 3
Nero Savagery 4 Resilience 4 Bulk 2
(Hound P20) Always acts after Greenbak. No stress.
Goon Savagery 6 Resilience 4 Bulk 2
Attack reaction, moves M towards nearest enemy.
Evil (the) Baron Von Greenbak has captured Mrs Ethel Quots of The Larks Uppercolonisation.
His belief is that she is a multi dimensional being of immense power. This is a false assumption based on her being the Lady Chairman of the local Womens Institute.

Clash! But look out Nero's BEHIND you!
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