Before we start- this is a pirate game but this style of raid is and always has been the most common form of warfare since the dawn of time. Please take inspiration and Do It!
Alternate plot pictured over. Colleys Mill. Windy Miller and local baker arrested after doctoring local flour supplies with the ground up bones of little children. Local militia implicated in supply.
No, seriously. Sorry. I was brought up with these series. Here was the gritty realism of country life missing from The Archers.
Leader +1 Q any within Long. Group Activate up to 5.
Pistol. Load 2 actions. Short.
C+3 Short.
C+2 2 short
C+1 3 short
C+0 4 short max.
Musket - light 2 actions to load. When loaded Q check 1 dice. If 1 - shot himself.
Range Medium
C+2 for 1st & 2nd band.
C+1 for 3rd.
C+0 for 4th + final.
Ranger/Light Infantry Counts broken terrain as normal & dense as broken.
Bosun 55
Passengers 96
Oars 210
Total 361 This total is now used for the opposition.
I got to 322. I don’t feel happy in losing a pirate, so I’ll give the pirates the points advantage & the locals the numerical. Wot larks!
In Colleys Mill
Pugilist +1 unarmed combat.
Mill House the farm house.
Strong +1 close combat.
Eager extra +1 Q if in LOS of leader within Long.
Green Morale check any friend killed within Long & LOS.
Leader +1 Q any within Long. Group Activate up to 5.
Polearm (axe) Knocks down on odd & even C+1
Strong +1 close combat.
The Hostelry. This is a small coaching inn. Here be served the foaming brown meths.
ALL starting in the pubbe must take a Q test on 1 dice. (same in OGAM)
Failure = Q-1 +1C hand to hand. +1 Morale rolls.
Steady under fire Q+1 morale caused by firing.
Physician Village doctor, p21.
Knife Thrower Thrower Short +1 or Medium with no bonus
Mr Carraway - the fishmonger. Apron, hammer. DRUNK
Mr Thomas Tripp - dairyman. Axe. DRUNK
Mr Roger 'Binnie'. Varley -chimney sweep DRUNK
Mr Crockett - the inn's stable hand. Bucket. DRUNK
Danger Sense no ambush bonus against.
Hawkeye/Poacher C+1 aimed shot.
Second in Command +1 Q any within Long. Group Activate up to 5 within short.
Whip 1 Short, As ranged attack but melee results. Not useable in close combat.
Beats odd dice distracts, no aimed shot or issue order next turn.
Beats even. Disarms.
Doubles opponent down.
6:1 in favour target, disarmed.
Acrobat Q+1 testing falling damage & climbing. -1 when shot at.
Sneaky treats all cover as 1 point higher, any hit by 1 or 2 is a miss.
The pirates decide to sneak down the road all innocent and cautious like.
I always prepaint buildings before assembly. Using gesso, sample pots and ink washes. Let It Dry before assembly and Read And Follow the instructions!
I've struggled over the years to make the best pirate base. I think these aren't bad.
A pirate takes position just inside a doorway. Roof on & off.
One sneaks around the farm (dogs and chickens--) Others head for the mill.

The Doctor emerges and flings a knife at the offending pirate, who retreats. A rifle shot splits the night and the Doctor crumples like one of his patients.

Masters Carraway and Crockett run away but poor Binnie Varley is cut down before he can die of silicosis and alcoholism.
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