Monday, 1 August 2016

A mini- Pirate campaign the old fashioned way Part 1 Methodology

Let me take you back to a different time. 

There were no home computers, so no internet. Once a month there were a couple of magazines, you know, printed paper? And you paid for them. When a manufacturer produced something new an advert was paid for and 6 weeks later or so we got to see it. You then wrote, yes pen and paper, your order out and sent it of with a cheque. Once cleared your goods were dispatched. Sometimes you sent money for a printed catalogue.

In these magazines there were articles, a sort of blog post. These were sent in by wargamers, unpaid, and selected by the editor. Some editions covered one topic, but usually there was a spread.

This is my memory of using one such. The concept of running a campaign using both sides on an A4 sheet of paper was not new, but this was quite, quite innovative.

I'm useless at graphics so use your imagination.

The map consists of a series of tables

Each table is your normal wargame table with all features marked

Travel between tables is a series of lines, each with a number of turns the journey takes. All scouting light cavalry double, baggage and artillery half.

Movement cost 1 across the table, 2 lengthwise. Scouting takes an extra 2 for light cav and 4 for everyone else.

Where the line meets the table is the entry point.

Battles, meeting on the road the larger force advances and the lighter retreats. If scouting light cavalry it can escape, but the enemy will see where you leave the table.

There was a time I had a semi-permanent (always there but requiring clearing) table & a couple of wargaming mates who lived in the same town. (Sigh, I live in a conconovation with 1% of the UK population and cannot make that today as I don't do grandma wendy games.) We had several 6mm armies, this being the days when Irregular Miniatures was a major player. I decided to do Romans vs Gauls. I think we used 6th ed. WRG. I gave each side the worst possible ally command. I think it was Armenian cataphracts for the Romans and chariot using fanatics (Gissafag of the Mickii).

The map was about 5-6 maps square width to the top, length down. The Gauls had the complete map, started at the bottom but had to assemble forces in particular spots. The top of the map was a Roman road and this was all they had. I'd drawn a master map then photocopied it, cutting one up as the Romans proceeded. Cut and paste as originally used.

The Romans had to scout, which meant sending troops out then waiting for them to return. Very frustrating.

The Gauls assembled at a slow space then went hunting once a half decent unit was formed.

I cannot remember all the details but one warband came across the scorpion unit and persuaded them to change sides. I do remember that with a ref it worked very well. Its use was superseded with the arrival of DBA and HOTT.

I will also note a late Medieval DBA game we played with or re-enactment group, each taking a country and making movements via a ref, me as da Pope. I encouraged communication by “in character” letter. Games were played out by the wargaming minority. Again, worked very well with some excellent roleplay by people not used to such things.

Coming next, a quick 3-sided pirate game.  As in my previous article, how do you play multiple sides with 2 people?  Would also work as as a solo game.

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