Game 1.
Pan vs Dionysus. Well you see, we thought this was going
to be the long one-.
give a drunken centaur a Cunning Plan!”
A quick word on
figures. The satyrs, centaurs & cyclops are all from the
excellent Splintered Light ranges. I bought army packs and still had
a few left! I interchanged smaller cyclops & satyrs for ease.
Pan Q2 C4
Forester, Transfix, Tremble before my might
Legends Herakles
Q3 C4 Group fighter, Hammering blow, Cyclops Q3 C3 Huge, Shooter
medium Chiron Q3 C3 Long move, Dashing @ 35
8xOO Cyclops Q4 C2
sober @ 15, 8xOO Cyclops missile Q4 C2 Shooter medium Drunk @ 20,
4xOO Centaurs Q4 C3
sober, long move, dashing @ 35 1004
Dionysus Q3 C4
Transfix, Drunk, Confound 232
Legends Minotaur
Q3 C3 Dashing Labyrinth @88, 2x centaur heroes, 1 drunk, Q4 C4 one
sober Q3 C3 dashing, drunkard,
8xOO Satyr, Q4 C2 sober
@ 15, 8xOO Satyr archers, Q5 C3 Shooter medium Drunk @ 20,
4xOO Centaurs, Q4 C3
Drunkard, Long move, Dashing @ 35
4xOO Centaur archers Q4
C2 long move, Shooter long, Drunkard @ 20, 996
expert prediction at the start. Dionysus again, a weaker
Legend force but a host of mortals that will cover a lot of ground,
looking to swamp any opponent.
Pan has the stronger
but slower Legends force and a similar mortals contingent.
This game is going
to cover a lot of ground and the initial setup will be critical.
The Game.
I had Pan and set up in
a V, my left flank protected/pinned by my archers. Tony set Dionysus
in a long line, denying his left flank, with one god as far from the
other as possible.
I got the drop and
moved forward, Tony's moving forward on reaction. On my right Pan,
Chiron and my centaurs was faced by the drunk centaur legend and the
satyr archers. I moved Chiron up away from the archers and towards
Tony's centaurs. Pan tried to transfix the legend and failed. I
managed to kill a satyr.
Now I don't know how
you play, but we take note of the unit and play it accordingly.
Tony's drunk centaur rolls first and got 3 passes (amazing-) He could
slam into my centaurs (the sensible, sober choice) or go nuts and
attack Pan. Which he did, with a +2 strike as he's dashing-. We're
expecting him to “hulk smash” bounce off. He rolls a 6. Pan
rolls a 1. One dead god. Game over. AND Dionysus goes to the top
of the leader board as he lost exactly 1 mortal worth 15points
An empty "slot" shows a death, red marker = drunk.
So onto Game 2!
Ares vs Artemis.
Ares. Group
fighter, Combat master, Hammering blow, 376
Achilles Q3 C3 Dashing, Invulnerability @ 108, Hippolyte Q3 C3
Armored @ 80,
Chariot Hero Q3 C3
Armored, Mounted @ 96 *
8xMymidion (CO) Q4, C3,
Armored, Dashing @ 33, 8xOO javelin, Q4 C1 shooter short @ 11 1,004
Forester, Shooter (Long), Shoot into melee, Legendary shooter, Good
shot, Animal mastery
Legends Hydra,
Q3 C4, Combat master, Armored, huge 116 Nemean lion Q3 C3
invulnerability, Chariot Hero, Q3 C3 Armored, Mounted @ 96
Stampeding cattle Q4 C1 Dashing, Animal, Long move, 8xCO/OO archers,
Q4 C2 shooter medium @ 20, 5xOO javelin Q4 C1 shooter short @ 11
My Prediction:
Ares as you would expect has a very strong Legends force backed by
a small, brute power mortals.
Artemis has a Legend
force to equal Ares. All eyes will be on the impact the cattle can
make. But the initial betting is on a strong head-to-head battle of
these two hotheads.
I had Ares, formed up
in a strong forward wedge. What else would Ares do?
First main bash, in
what was looking like a legends mash-up, Achilles vs the Hydra. I'd
expected this to be a push 'n shove match, but I quickly got the
upper hand and ol' rubber necks was gone.
Artemis's Hero did an
“end run” to get close to Ares, while mine plowed into Artemis's
I got shot, Artemis's bounced off and thought better of
it-. Seeing Achilles vs the Nemean
lion he decided this was the easier match and started for it. But
Achilles got pushed back & the lion failed to follow up, allowing
Achilles to follow Ares. The Myrmidons plowed into the archers
who put up a very good defense. Artemis tried twice to shoot a
Myrmidon, but missed!
Now the cattle are
starting to move, threatening to swamp Ares force. Hippolyte, at a
loose end has a bash at them, but bounces off. Ares and Achilles
head for Artemis before they can be swamped. Rash Ares does not
wait. A snap shot from Artemis misses (!) Clash! Mighty Ares is
Artemis lost 1 legend
(Hydra) and 3 archers, which puts her no.2 on the leader board. You
tell 'er, I'm not!