Wednesday 13 November 2019

BNY Bakemono Bashing!

Cinematic game?  These rules are perfect!

I thought we'd "go low".  Super-Samurai zoom around the table like demented beetles.

Lettuce try a different approach.

Plus, it's a battle betwix 2 companies:  New range via Battle Valour vs Alternative Armies Sengoku.

Dai Bakemono - larger Bakemono, thus Welsh.  Interesting concept in the rules that fits with the smaller Oni from Battle Valour.  Plus the Bakemono hounds-.

Dai Bakemono Kyu 3 
Bu 5 BIG hammer 9K

Theres Propa.  Shuryou * (Leader) –Command Distance of a Long Length. They are capable of giving a ‘Group Order’ and enhance a character’s Kyu Grade (-1) if the character is activated within the Command Distance and Line of Sight of the Leader. This also effects various Kyu Grade tests such as Morale.

Uur Davii   Dai Bakemono Hanchou Kyu 3 Bu 3 White club = 6 Koku

Hanchou * – the character is the Leaders ‘right hand man’ and has a Command Distance of a Short Length. Within this Command Distance a character will act as one better Kyu Grade during activation and Morale.

Lookyu  Dai Bakemono Kyu 4 Bu 3 Black club =5 Koku

 Avaleek  Dai Bakemono Kyu 4 Bu 3 Sword =6 Koku

Black Hound Kyu 3 Bu 5= 9

Hounds Kyu 4 Bu 5= 8

Hitabashiri – the character is very swift, they may make one Long Length movement action per activation.

Karumijutsu – leap a Short Length in any direction (including upwards). If the landing point is a small area (less than 2 base widths) they must roll 3d6 Kyu check: 3 successes – fine 2 successes – deviate randomly left or right one base width (might mean fall) 1 pass – same but two base width 0 pass – fails leap in some comical fashion, they miss the landing spot.

Bakemono If acting as a group of 3-5 characters their Bu +1.
Kyu (group activation -1)

Bakemono Kyu 3 Bu 2 Mounted Sword Partial RED Armour= 9

Shuryou * (Leader) –Command Distance of a Long Length. They are capable of giving a ‘Group Order’ and enhance a character’s Kyu Grade (-1) if the character is activated within the Command Distance and Line of Sight of the Leader. This also effects various Kyu Grade tests such as Morale.

Hitabashiri – the character is very swift, they may make one Long Length movement action per activation.

Bakemono Kyu 3 Bu 2 Mounted RED Naginata Partial BLACK Armour= 8

Hanchou * – the character is the Leaders ‘right hand man’ and has a Command Distance of a Short Length. Within this Command Distance a character will act as one better Kyu Grade during activation and Morale.

Hitabashiri – the character is very swift, they may make one Long Length movement action per activation.

5 x Bakemono Kyu 4 Bu 2 Mounted Partial Armour= 25

Hitabashiri – the character is very swift, they may make one Long Length movement action per activation.

2x Mukade (giant centipede) – Kyu 5 Bu 3 Long move. 3 Koku 9

Oki – the character is very large. They receive an additional +1 in close combat against characters who are not ‘Oki’. Any ranged attack on an Oki character receives a +1 to the Combat Total.

The Game.  I took the Welsh (Dai) Bakemono and Tony tried his hand with the cavalry.

Up comes a Mukade.  These are a fun combination that just happened to fit the points requirements.

Black hound stalks in on reaction.

To me, everyone on. To you.

Another Mukade and the boss.

I thought I'd try a Karumijutsu leap.  The hound goes into state of Zanshin (overwatch).

"A character in Zanshin can react to movement in their Line of Sight with one action. If this is a combat action they do so at -1 to their Bujutsu value. If they choose to act with a movement action this movement uses a Short Length. This movement can be into Contact or can be used to move into cover etc. Zanshin is removed when it is used OR at the end of the opponents turn".  

I had this idea of the hound poised on the rock, ready to pounce on anything coming into range.

I move up.  My plan was to use the higher ground and boulder to gain combat advantage and protect my rear.

Play this in the background:

Moving into position.

Damn - on reaction, the Hanchou sweeps in and bashes a hound to the ground.

In comes the big bug, attacking Avaleek.

So much for Zanchin.  My dawg gets fazed by a situation card.

Striking a poor beast when its laid low!  Delivering a wound.

Black recovers, as does the other, but it's Hanchou vs Hanchou and my Uur Davii who comes off worse.

Lookyu comes in swinging and belts the bug down.  but it's make of chitin and jelly, defeats every blow.

Stop that one!  Drat!  one badly sliced pooch.

In dashes the leader -

Uur Davii is dead!  You test at the start of your next round for wounds.  He didn't make it.

Now its leader vs leader and its Tony's who dashes back.

Now this one:

Here they come-.

Tony's Hanchou is unmounted and worried by the hounds.  They-just-cannot-get-through his armour & slashing naginata!

The leader tries Avaleek, but gets unmounted as well!  Confidence is high.

Now it's a change of targets, concentrating on taking down the leader.

Damn, he gets up on reaction.

So does the bug!

Up he gets - but surrounded!


My leader just cannot get a decent hit against that naginata.

Hanchou is down again-.

Tony's leader seizes an opportunity and makes a strategic move.

Daring all,  Lookyu of the black club dashes at the leader from behind.  There's proper!

Finally, the bulk of Tony's forces make it.  Incidentally, I thought I'd start with 2 boards then discard the one not in use.  As with maps, the conflict occurs on the join. Diverse alarums and general engagement.

 Lookyu is struck down in a pointy stick vs blunt stick confrontation.

My leader is singled out and wounded!

Save Theres Propa!

Black hound gets 1 action, so scoots back into cover.

I'm feeling decidedly outnumbered-.

Archer tries a shot, so black dog leaps!

Another dismounted the hard way.

Other hound attacked.

My leader, Theres Propa dies and that's it.  A real fun game!  Lots of turnovers, lots of action.

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