As you can tell by now this was another not-quite-finished post. Last one, apologies again!
New stuff - well quick basing of fun stuff from my (now) small(er) shame pile.
Above there's a mixture of Battle Valor -(more to come)
Anubis 232 Q2 C4
Animal mastery p30
Raise the dead, 1 action 1 mortal.
2x Beast of Ammut
Q3 C4 Amphibious. Animal. Armoured. Huge. 98 = 192
Hippo guard Q3 C3 Amphibious, Armoured, Big, Dashing. Hammering blow. 108
Jackals Q4 C2 Animal. Greedy 8x10 = 80
Elite Archers Q4 C2 Shooter L. Steadfast 6 x 24 = 144
Elite infantry Q4 C2 Steadfast. Desert walk 8 x 19 = 152
God 232
Legends 300
Mortals 376
Bast Q2 C4 292
Danger sense. V difficult target. Stealth. Protection.
Pharaoh Q3 C2 Shooter L. Long. 70
Priestess Q3 C3 Shooter L. Good shot. L. 96
Hero Q3 C3. Shooter M. Mounted. L. Desert walk. 88
General. Q3 C2 Desert walk. 44
Cats Q4 C1 Stealth, Animal, free disengage 4 @ 12 = 48
Young lions Q4 C3 Steadfast. Desert walk. 4 @ 27 = 108
Kopesh girls. Q4 C2 Desert walk. Dashing. 8 @ 21 = 168
Legends 298
Mortals 324