New toys just out of
the bag, how can you resist? Don't sneer at unpainted, you know you
do it!
Big, bi g thanks to
for bringing this range over, American postage would have doubled the
Tony bought the platoon
deal plus a senior officer, special forces and bare-clawed close
A lazy bank holiday day
trying colours, beading, basing and organising and they're ready to
Getting the TOE right
helps, allows you to pick from a menu. The SOM is doubly so. We
have Raptors, so Jurassic Park comes to mind. Tony tried a squad of
6 with independent attached SAW and anti-vehicle weapon. A small
command group included drone controller*. He used the close assault
troops as individuals without regard for unit integrity.
I wanted to try my new
urban board, use my Vespid buildings. I gave some thought to the
opponents, discarding Daleks (at great personal risk, watch this
space in 2 Rels). Tony's cops still need a little work (including a
Wall.Ee drone). I settled on my PAU as this is their job.
Tony had set up a
signal station, my job to find it. All Tony's were hidden, some
billeted, others patrolling.
I started up good, one
Jeep nosing ahead (cotton balls represent speed & direction).
Meanwhile, Jeep 1 does
a strategic withdraw, stops, crew bails out before they are
** I could here the
drone controller yelling “Oi! I signed for that) and trying to find
a way out of all the friendly fire holes in it.